Rivista di Psicoanalisi applicata FRENIS Zero

Iscrizione n. 978 Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Lecce

ISSN: 2037-1853

Direttore Responsabile: dott. Giuseppe Domenico LEO

Sede redazionale: Centro Psicoterapia Dinamica "M. Mancia"- via Lombardia, 18 - 73100 Lecce

 e-mail: assepsi@virgilio.it

url:  web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm  

Edizioni Frenis Zero (Publisher) web.tiscali.it/cepsidi (Eng.) http://web.tiscali.it/hermann1889/frenisEdizioni.htm(Ita)                                                                                September Septembre Settembre 2018



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Cari Signori e Signore/ Dear Sirs and Madames/ Cher(e)s Messieurs et Mesdames 


 Newsletter: la nostra Newsletter (A.S.S.E.Psi. NEWS) viene inviata una volta al mese a chi ce ne fa richiesta compilando il form alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/mail.htm.









Dagli articoli del penultimo numero della rivista di psicoanalisi Frenis Zero (giugno 2017, n.28) è uscito l'ultimo libro delle nostre edizioni per il momento in inglese e prossimamente in italiano. Gli autori sono Sverre Varvin (Norvegia), di Linden West (Regno Unito),  Lene Auestad (Norvegia-Regno Unito), e   Werner Bohleber (Germania).La prefazione è di Vamik D. Volkan (professore emerito di psichiatria all'Università della Virginia) e il curatore è Giuseppe Leo.  Il libro è acquistabile su Amazon: amazon.com


Un'anteprima limitata è disponibile su Books.Google.com:  





è  on-line l'ultimo numero di Frenis Zero (n.30, giugno 2018) che riguarda il tema "VITALITA' E PSICOANALISI". Gli articoli sono già on-line e il sommario è all'indirizzo: http://web.tiscali.it/freniszero


Dopo l'articolo di Claudio Neri ""ASPETTI VITALI DELLA VERGOGNA" vogliamo esplorare questo concetto, così poco frequentato dalla psicoanalisi, salvo nella formulazione di Daniel Stern (il cui libro "Le forme vitali" è paradigmatico), grazie ad alcuni contributi in inglese (di prossima traduzione italiana) come quello di Trevarthen e coll."Autismo come disturbo dello sviluppo nel movimento intenzionale e nel coinvolgimento affettivo" e di Rizzolatti e coll. "Forme della vitalità ad elaborazione nell'insula durante l'osservazione delle azioni", e in italiano: oltre alla video-recensione di Giuseppe Leo del film "Hannah", anche la recensione di Giuseppe Riefolo del film "Un amore sopra le righe".





Alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/unamoresopralerighe.htm potete leggere una recensione di Giuseppe Riefolo del film di  "Un amore sopra le righe"(2017) di Nicolas Bedos



Alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/aimantDOUBLE.htm la recensione (in francese) di Jean-Pierre Vidit del film "L'amant double" (2017) di François Ozon






Alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/scartabellati.htm la recensione di Andrea Scartabellati del libro di O. Greco "I demoni del mezzogiorno"(2018).






 Il 17 novembre 2018 nella nostra sede del Centro di Psicoterapia Dinamica "Mauro Mancia" (via Lombardia, n.18 - Lecce) si terrà il 13° Corso di supervisione psicoanalitica in gruppo con il dott. Giuseppe Riefolo (psicoanalista SPI, psichiatra ASL ROma/E) per cui sono stati richiesti n.10 crediti ECM nazionali.. Dato il numero di posti limitato, per info ed iscrizioni si prega di inviare una email all'indirizzo assepsi@virgilio.it 



 "Ricordando Jeremy Safran" è il titolo del contributo (in Inglese, di prossima traduzione in Italiano) di Sara Weber, che ripercorre i contributi fondamentali dello psicoanalista statunitense, tragicamente scomparso mel maggio 2018. Link: http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/weberENG.htm 



 1) Sempre a Jeremy Safran abbiamo dedicato un contributo video: "Impasse, enactment annd the therapist's state of mind" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL3twxyfZF4 



2) "Supervisioning with Janine Puget". Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Kowaf5qHs 



3) "Ethnical differences in psychoanalytic work with childhood and families" with Margaret and Michael Rustin. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvP3lc3fcnY 



4)  "LOVE IN OPERA. Psychoanalytic reflections by Giuseppe Leo". Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEen-v-JqNw 















S. Araùjo Cabral,  L. Curone,  M. Francesconi,  L. Frattini, S. Impagliazzo, D. Centenaro Levandowski, G. Magnani, M. Manetti, C. Marangio,  G. A. Marra e Rosa, M. Martelli, M. R. Moro,  R. K. Papadopoulos, A. Pellicciari,  G. Rigon, D. Scotto di Fasano, E. Zini, A. Zunino, Psicoanalisi, luoghi della resilienza ed immigrazione, Collana "Id-entità Mediterranee", Frenis Zero   2017, ISBN 978-88-97479-11-6, € 39,00,  pagine 372. 



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Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:










"PSICOANALISI IN TERRA SANTA" a cura di A. Cusin e G. Leo


H. Abramovitch,  A. Cusin, M. Dwairy, A. Lotem, M. Mansur, M. P. Salatiello, "Psicoanalisi in Terra Santa",  prefazione di Anna Sabatini Scalmati, Postfazione di Christoph U. Schminck-Gustavus, Note di Nader Akkad, Collana "Id-entità Mediterranee",  Frenis Zero   2017, ISBN 978-88-97479-12-3, € 29,00 (rilegatura rigida), euro 20,00 (rilegatura economica). 

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:



PSICOLOGIA DELL'ANTISEMITISMO (2.a edizione) di Imre Hermann



Imre Hermann, "Psicologia dell'antisemitismo",  a cura di Giuseppe Leo, Collana "Cordoglio e Pregiudizio",  Frenis Zero 2017, ISBN 978-88-97479-10-9, € 18,00. 

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.







Maria Patrizia Salatiello, "Essere bambini a Gaza. Il trauma infinito",  Collana "Id-entità Mediterranee",  Frenis Zero   2016,        ISBN 978-88-97479-08-6, € 35,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.






PSYCHOANALYSIS, COLLECTIVE TRAUMAS AND MEMORY PLACES (English edition) (edited by Giuseppe Leo, prefaced by Robert D Hinshelwood) 


Altounian, Bohleber, Deutsch, Halberstadt-Freud, Hinshelwood, Gampel, Janigro, Leo, Papadopoulos, Ritter, Varvin, Wirth, Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas and Memory Places,(English Edition) Collection "Mediterranean                   Id-entities",  Frenis Zero   2015,        ISBN 978-88-97479-09-3, € 35,50.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.












Lene Auestad, Werner Bohleber, Sverre Varvin, Vamik Volkan, Linden West


a cura di Giuseppe Leo

Edizioni Frenis Zero - collana ID-ENTITA' MEDITERRANEE - 2017 - pagg. 214





Disponibile su  amazon.com 









E'  consultabile sul sito internet della rivista di psicoanalisi "Frenis Zero" (link: http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm ) il numero 30 (anno 15, giugno 2018), numero semestrale monografico intitolato "Vitalità e Psicoanalisi".  








INDICE N.30, anno XV, giugno 2018 















    Newsletter en français: notre newsletter (A.S.S.E.Psi. NEWS) sera envoyée à  tous qui en demanderont (le formulaire est à  la page web : 

http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/mail.htm  ).   

1)      Au lien de Frenis Zero (http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm) Vous pouvez lire le sommaire du Numéro 30, an 15 (juin 2018) de notre journal, dédié au sujet de <<Vitalité et Psychanalyse>> (articles en italien et en anglais). 


2)   Critique par Jean-Pierre Vidit du film: "L'AMANT DOUBLE" (François Ozon, 2017). Lien: http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/aimantDOUBLE.htm 



3) Annonce: Le RESEAU VIRAGE organise




Une journée de formation pour comprendre et échanger !


4) Annonce: l'AEPEA organise

Vendredi 30 novembre 2018






13 et 14 septembre 2019 
MILOS (Grèce) 


Colloque co-organisé 
par la Grèce et la Belgique




  Newsletter in English: our newsletter (A.S.S.E.Psi. NEWS) will be sent to everyone who requests it (the form is at the link 

http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/mail.htm  .




1)  We  are glad to announce the issue of the last number (n.30, year 15, june 2018) of Frenis Zero on-line journal: "VITALITY AND PSYCHOANALYSIS". The table of contents is at url: http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm . The papers are  in Italian and English. 


Following the article (in Italian) by Claudio Neri "Aspetti vitali della vergogna" (Vital aspects of shame) and the film review "Hannah and Forms of vitality" (by Giuseppe Leo), we are glad to announce two papers in English exploring the topic: one about autism according Forms of Vitality (Stern): "AUTISM AS A DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER IN INTENTIONAL MOVEMENT AND AFFECTIVE ENGAGEMENT" by Colwyn Trevarthen and Jonathan T. Delafield-Butt, and the other exploring the NEURO-PSYCHOANALYTIC side of vitality. "Vitality Forms Processing in the Insula during Action Observation: A Multivoxel Pattern Analysis" by Giacomo Rizzolatti et al.. 





2) We  are glad to announce the issue of the last book  published in English by Edizioni Frenis Zero:"FUNDAMENTALISM AND PSYCHOANALYSIS", Giuseppe Leo (Editor), Prefaced by Vamik D. Volkan, writings by Lene Auestad, Werner Bohleber, Sverre Varvin, Linden West. Collection "Mediterranean Id-entities", Frenis Zero publisher, Lecce 2017, pp.214. 



The collection “Mediterranean Id-entities” is devoted to publish books in order to investigate the role of Mediterranean cultures from a psychoanalytic point of view, in front of the anthropological transformations concerning human societies and social institutions in the contemporary world. This book has the hard task to cover an interdisciplinary area in which psychoanalysis has to deal with fundamentalism as a social phenomenon and therefore with ‘bordering’ disciplines (such as religion history, transcultural studies, cultural anthropology) often with epistemologies that for origin and history appear to be incomparable to it. Lene Auestad intends to integrate the psychological analysis of the subject with its social embedding. She investigates the importance of the social unconscious and its effects on the prejudiced intentions of the individual apart from its own active interpretations. She highlights the importance the psychoanalytical approach provides in understanding the unspoken, unconscious contents of the social phenomena and how much the socially critical approach is able to enrich the analytical view which merely focuses on the subject regarding the effects of the social consensus. While Auestad’s scrutiny aims at the social convention’s role as an agent affecting the individual’s deeds and thinking, Linden West’s contribution draws on ‘psycho-social’ understandings, combining psychoanalysis and critical theory, as well as the work of John Dewey, to interrogate Islamic fundamentalist groups in a post-industrial city. It explores processes of self-recognition in groups and paranoid-schizoid modes of functioning, in which unwanted parts of self and of culture are split off and projected on to the other. The world is correspondingly divided into good and bad, pure and impure. John Dewey makes a crucial distinction between processes of democratic education and closed groups, which is what fundamentalist groups are, by reference to the quality of relationship to the other, and to experiential and narrative openness. However, it is also suggested that fundamentalism is ordinary, in that each of us can feel out of our depth, at times, and we may grab at ideas promising truth and nothing but the truth, which is ultimately illusion. Except not everyone reaches for a Kalashnikov, which is where individual biographies matter for subtler understanding of difference within commonalities. Fundamentalism has increasingly become a part of the political discourse in Western countries and is to a large degree associated with Islamic Jihadism. Fundamentalism has, however, been a concern in all religions, and Werner Bohleber in this book discusses its connections with violence in monotheistic religions. Fundamentalism is also a concern in professional organisations and in this book Sverre Varvin discusses the relation between fundaments for a science and fundamentalism in psychoanalysis. This is related to general trends of fundamentalism in religious and political contexts. A central question is how adherence to fundamentals, understood at basic principles for a profession or a religious-political movement, may develop into fundamentalism and how this may develop into more violent forms. Psychoanalytic understanding of mass psychology and unconscious processes at group levels are developed in this book by each of the outstanding authors in order to understand present Islamic and other forms of fundamentalist movements in the European context.




To get a preview of the book click here:



3) Book "PSYCHOANALYSIS, COLLECTIVE TRAUMAS AND MEMORY PLACES", Giuseppe Leo (Editor), Robert D Hinshelwood (prefaced by), witings by Janine Altounian, Werner Bohleber, Judith Deutsch, Hendrika Halberstadt-Freud, Yolanda Gampel, Nicole Janigro, Renos K Papadopoulos, Maria Ritter, Sverre Varvin, Hans-Juergen Wirth, Collection "Mediterranean Id-entities", Frenis Zero publisher, Lecce 2015, pp.330,          € 35,50.


Psychoanalysis has always had to reckon with the epistemology of the witnessing of the analysand, but perhaps it has only recently been reckoning with the discourse of the ethics of testimony. And who are the people who have answered  to testify in this book dedicated to the places of the memory of ‘Mediterranean civilisations and their discontents’? What many of the authors in it seem to have in common is the attention to the traumatic nature of certain places of the memory: theatres of wars, such as the wars in the Balkans (Janigro), or lines in the diary of a father, who miraculously survived genocide (J. Altounian). As Bohleber writes, psychoanalysis began as a theory of trauma. In this book, the places of the memory are often the rooms of analysis, places of re-evocation of collective traumas. In some cases, the victims of collective traumas, undergone in the home Mediterranean countries, take their dramas of migrants and refugees to analysts in the North of Europe (as in the case of Varvin and Papadopoulos). In other pieces, neither the geographical origin of the analysand nor that of the analyst have apparently any connection with the Mediterranean. We are referring to the essay by Ritter and that of Halberstadt-Freud: however, in them, the consulting rooms are places of the memory in which the analyst reflects on the subject of trans-generational transmission of collective guilt connected with Nazism and with the Shoah, which also affected the history of Mediterranean countries. In other contributions in this book, the places of the memory are those of the Middle East caught up in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. From different points of view, three authors, Gampel, Deutsch and Wirth, speak to us of places of the memory where the collective traumas have not been assigned once and for all to the work of historians (as in the case of the Shoah and of the other genocides of the 20th century) as, unfortunately, they are still on-going.


 BUYSupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.









4) "NEUROSCIENCE AND PSYCHOANALYSIS", G. Leo (ed.), prefaced by Georg Northoff, writings by  David Mann, Allan N. Schore, Robert Stickgold, Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, Grigoris Vaslamatzis, Matthew P. Walker, Collection "Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience", Frenis Zero Publisher, Lecce 2014, pp.300, € 49,00.

The book gathers some papers concerning the dialogue between neuroscience and psychoanalysis. Following the Introduction written by Georg Northoff, concerning the possibility of overcoming the highly impasse generating contraposition between localizationism and holism, G. Vaslamatzis deals with a “Framework for a new dialogue between psychoanalysis and neurosciences”. In this chapter the author describes three points of epistemological congruence: firstly, dualism is no longer a satisfactory solution; secondly, cautions for the centrality of interpretation (hermeneutics); and, thirdly, the self-criticism of neuroscientists. David W.Mann in his contribution “The mirror crack’d: dissociation and reflexivity in self and group phenomena” tries to show how reflexive processes generate each of three levels of the human system (self, relationships, group) and integrate them one to another, while dissociative processes tend throughout to pull them apart. Health and illness within the self, the relationship and the group can be understood as special states of the dynamic equilibria between these cohesive and dispersive trends. In “Sleep, memory and plasticity” Matthew P. Walker and Robert Stickgold outline a review of the researches following the discovery of rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM (NREM) sleep, and specifically of those that began testing the hypothesis that sleep, or even specific stages of sleep, actively participated in the process of memory development. The last two chapters, “Clinical implications of neuroscience research in PTSD” by Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, and “Dysregulation of the right brain: a fundamental mechanism of traumatic attachment and the psychopathogenesis of PTSD” by Allan N. Schore, demonstrate how the psychopathology of traumatic conditions can be a fertile field of dialogue between neuroscience and psychoanalysis.


To order the book you can click here: amazon.comor here  

To get a preview of the book click here:  




"PSYCHOANALYSIS AND ITS BORDERS",  G. Leo (ed.), writings by J. Altounian, P. Fonagy, G.O. Gabbard,  J.S. Grotstein,  R.D. Hinshelwood,  J.P. Jiménez, O.F. Kernberg,  S. Resnik. Collection "Borders of Psychoanalysis", Frenis Zero Publisher, Lecce 2012, pp. 348, € 19,00. 

Eight outstanding theoreticians of contemporary psychoanalysis reflect on psychoanalysis and its borders and boundaries between it and adjacent disciplines such as neuroscience, psychiatry, and social sciences. The book celebrates ten years of existence of Frenis Zero psychoanalytic journal.
You can view a video introducing the book in our You Tube Channel ( www.youtube.com/frenis0 )
  To order the book you can click here: amazon.comor here                                                                                   To get a preview of the book click here:  





6)  On the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day an Interview with Luciana Nissim Momigliano in You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdBvbT4ZkmU








7)  Video launching the next number of Frenis Zero psychoanalytic journal (june 2017) about "Fundamentalism and Psychoanalysis"


Fundamentalism and Psychoanalysis from Frenis Zero on Vimeo.




8) "JAAK PANKSEPP (1943-2017) A HOMMAGE". In Frenis Zero video Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJsWvpqIRlg&t=335s 




9) "PARENTALITY AND CAREGIVING MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEM" by Joseph Lichtenberg in Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_BOVnsNt28&t=103s 






10) "ANXIETY" by Joseph LeDoux  in Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ydqgx_zerc 



11) "HANNAH AND FORMS OF VITALITY. A review by Giuseppe Leo" https://assepsi.wistia.com/medias/enhtfz3lpi 






12) "LADY BIRD". A review by Sandra E. Cohen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkdUAW_uY04 



13) New article: "#MeToo must include prostitution" by Melissa Farley . Link: http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/farley.htm



14) Announcement::




OCTOBER 18-21 2018



INFO: www.ifps.info

What means being afraid nowadays? What do we fear about? And how? How psychoanalysis can manage these new forms?
This conference will explore how we, as analysts, can contribute to an understanding of the role of fear in society today.
The subject can hold many approaches and many aspects. Not only the radical social transformation we are faced with, with all the reverberations of this on each mind, but also the crash of any kind of certainty, from the social to the individual one. And also psychoanalysis is paying a sort of incapacity of staying close to this epochal change.
The topic will offer many psychoanalytic considerations because it includes social problems, as immigration, but it puts into a primary evidence the change of our minds, the change of our emotions, of our feelings, the change of our dreams, when time, and the future, are so uncertain paradigms... How do we dream nowadays?
As analysts, we explore the conscious and unconscious sources of fear, in our patients and ourselves. We have been trained to pay careful attention to shifts in fear intensities, as expressed verbally and nonverbally, in thoughts, tones, dreams, moods, behaviors, and other forms. As uncertainties escalate, so does fear, in some circumstances.
What can make us afraid of the unknown "other," rather than curious? What can we learn from our own reactions to the uncertainties we face in our practices, and in other walks of life?
Annamaría Loiaconno
Institute of Analytical Psychotherapy “H.S. Sullivan”
Florence (Italy)








15) N-Psa Newsletters, New York Psychoanalytic Institute and IPA newsletters


(source: N-PSA newsletter)



Studies in Dysphoria: 
The False Accord in the Divine Symphony

Marion Oliner, Ph.D.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 8 PM
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btw 2nd and 3rd Aves)
$20 - General Admission
$15 - Student Admission
No charge for NYPSI members/students
Register  HERE visit  nypsi.org  or call 212.879.6900
This presentation spans forty years of study and assumes that psychoanalysts should not base their understanding of trauma exclusively on the events  that trigger the traumatic process since there are an infinite variety in the ways individuals assimilate a wide range of traumatic events.  Some victims never recover and are simply not suitable for analytic treatment: The events truly dominate their lives. However, the clinical insights analysts have gained over the years does make it possible to help those individuals who have the capacity to benefit from psychoanalysis. Winnicott's assessment of the close relation between cumulative trauma omnipotence  is explored. Analysts who emphasize the victimization of traumatized individuals may find themselves subject to a confusion of tongues and  unprepared for the resistance they encounter when they work clinically from a tacit assumption of omnipotent triumph.  The use of identification  as a sufficient explanation for the transgenerational transmission of trauma is questioned, and  the difference between the experience of trauma and the memories of it over time is clarified. During the damaging experience there is a specific ego organization that is geared toward external reality and effective action.  Subjectivity has no role here, in other words, the subject is absent.  This ego state should not be confused with the work of integration, dreaming, and fantasy. Time  is an important factor. Analysts should take all elements of human experience into consideration when trying to understand their patients. This includes the role of the impact of the senses that is neglected when analysis privileges the unconscious. In this connection it is important to remember that, in the  Interpretation of Dreams,  Freud relied on the events of the day before to penetrate the dream's meaning. The material to be discussed  is drawn from a book that will be available in December 2018. 

No CME/CE credits offered.
Marion M. Oliner, Ph.D.  (Columbia University 1958, Psychoanalytic Training Program of the NY Freudian Society, 1970) is currently in the private practice of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. She also teaches, supervises and writes on psychoanalytic topics. Dr. Oliner is a member of the International Psychoanalytic Association and a member and on the faculty of the Contemporary Freudian Society where she obtained her training. She is also a member of NPAP and the Metropolitan Institute for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. For many years, she participated in the study group devoted to the long-term impact of the Holocaust on survivors and their children. In the many years she has been active in the field, she has participated in the governance of the NY Freudian Society, as it was then called, and chaired the Ethics Committee. She devised a syllabus for a course on ethics that is widely used. She has published articles on a wide range of subjects, and she is the author of the following books:  Cultivating Freud's Garden in France  (1988) and  Psychic Reality in Context: Perspectives on Psychoanalysis, Personal History and Trauma  (2012), (2015 German translation), (2018 French translation).  A collection of her essays will be published by Routledge in December 2018 as  Studies in Dysphoria: The False Accord in the Divine Symphony .
Works in Progress Seminar
247 East 82nd Street, NY, NY 10028 | 212.879.6900 |  nypsi.org








Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children With     Externalizing Behaviors: 

Leon Hoffman, M.D. and Timothy Rice, M.D.
September 17 - October 1, 2018 
Mondays, 7:30 - 9:00 pm 
3 classes  /  $90 
Location: NYPSI (247 East 82nd Street, NYC)
To register, click here, visit nypsi.org or call 212-879-6900
NYPSI Extension Course: Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children with Externalizing Behaviors: A Psychodynamic Approach 
In this course, which is geared to mental health practitioners working with children and families,  the instructors will describe the essence of the  Manual of Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children (RFP-C) with Externalizing Behaviorswhich is the first handbook of its kind to provide a manualized, short-term dynamic approach to the externalizing behaviors of childhood, offering organizing framework and detailed descriptions of the processes involved in RFP-C.    

This approach includes how the clinician works to understand the meaning of the child's maladaptive disruptive behavior. The treatment does not focus on teaching the child proper behavior or on teaching the parents management techniques. Instead, the therapist communicates to the child that there is meaning to the behavior and that it may feel safer to act up than feel painful emotions, such as sadness, shame, guilt, or loss. The child's defensive maneuvers to avoid painful affects and the transference and countertransference issues are addressed. Moreover, any child treatment necessarily includes an active parenting component. In our manual we help parents to understand the meaning of their children's behavior and how to approach their children in more effective ways. We help parents achieve greater understanding of their child as an individual with needs, worries, and responses to stress in their lives.
Leon Hoffman, M.D.  is a child and adolescent psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, and is currently Co-director of the Pacella Research Center at the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute and Chief Psychiatrist at West End Day School. 

Timothy Rice, M.D. is Unit Chief of the Child and Adolescent Inpatient Unit for the Mount Sinai Health System, New York City. 

Tracy Prout, M.D., who is co-author with Drs. Hoffman and Rice, is assistant professor of psychology in the combined school-child clinical doctoral program at the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology at Yeshiva University. She is also in private practice working with children, adolescents, adults, and families.
Psychoanalysis in the Digital Age: A Panel Discussion

Gillian Isaacs Russell, PhD; Todd Essig, PhD; David Goldenberg, MD
Moderator: Rebecca Twersky, MD
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
 8 - 10 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)
$15 - General Admission
$10 - Student Admission (non-NYPSI)
No charge for NYPSI members and students

Register  HERE , visit nypsi.org  or call 212.879.6900
Scientific Program: 
Psychoanalysis in the Digital Age 

Digital technology has created powerful methods of communication that were previously unimaginable in any setting, let alone a psychoanalytic treatment. Many clinicians have embraced these technological advances for their convenience and promise of facilitating long distance treatment, or even local treatment conducted outside the office setting. And many patients are comfortable with distance treatment, or express a preference for it, especially younger patients who experience technology as  integral to who they are.  While there are advantages to using technology for psychoanalytic (or some mode of psychodynamic) treatment, there are also many problems with its use. This panel will address these advantages and problems and consider, among others, the following questions: 

  • What are the limitations of the use of technology in psychoanalytic treatment?
  • How is communication hindered, or facilitated, by digital technology?
  • What does it mean to be in the presence of another person?
  • Are there differences in the ways patients of different ages and levels of technological expertise can benefit from an online psychoanalysis?

Gillian Isaacs Russell, PhD,  is a UK-trained psychoanalyst who is a member of the British Psychoanalytic Council and American Psychoanalytic Association. She has served on the Editorial Board of the British Journal of Psychotherapy, as Book Reviews Editor, and is now a member of the Reviewing Panel. She recently co-edited (along with Todd Essig) a special issue of Psychoanalytic Perspectives on technology. Her book Screen Relations: The Limits of Computer-Mediated Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy was published by Karnac Books in 2015. Dr. Russell is internationally known as a lecturer, author, consultant, and researcher. She speaks and teaches on technology and its impact on intimate human relationships, particularly in psychotherapeutic treatment. She currently lives in Boulder, Colorado, where she has a private practice.
Todd Essig, PhD,  is a Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst at the William Alanson White Institutes. He's served on the editorial boards for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association and recently co-edited (along with Gillian Isaacs Russell) a special issue of Psychoanalytic Perspectives on technology. For 16 years, until 2009, he was Director and Founder of The Psychoanalytic Connection (psychoanalysis.net), becoming widely known as a pioneer in the innovative uses of information technologies for mental health professionals. He currently writes "Managing Mental Wealth" for Forbes where he writes about building an authentically good life in emerging technoculture. His clinical practice is in New York City where he treats individuals and couples, almost all of whom come to his office.
David Goldenberg, MD, is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in private practice in New York. A graduate of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, he is on faculty here and at NY-Presbyterian, teaching in the psychoanalytic and the psychotherapy programs, both technique and theory courses including Freud's case histories. Dr. Goldenberg is The Director of  NYPSI's Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program. He is board certified in general psychiatry as well as psychosomatic medicine, and has published papers in this sub-specialization, including, Psychological Issues and PrEP in Private Practice (Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health, 2016). He also recently published a review, Dreaming, One Way or Another (JAPA, 2017) of, Psychoanalysis, Identity, and the Internet: Explorations into Cyberspace (Ed. Marzi; Karnac Books, 2016).
Rebeccca Twersky, MD, is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City. She graduated from the New York Psychoanalytic Institute in 2012, and is on faculty at NYPSI and at Mount Sinai/Beth Israel. She teaches in the psychoanalytic and psychotherapy programs at NYPSI and supervises residents in psychotherapy. Dr. Twersky is the Director of Curriculum for NYPSI's Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program, Director of NYPSI's Psychoanalytic Fellowship, and co-Chair of NYPSI's Communications Committee, where she has used her long-standing interest in technology to redevelop NYPSI's website and to moderate this program. Dr. Twersky also has a blog where she has written about topics ranging from demystifying the arcana of complex statistical analyses to social commentary.



Film Screening & Discussion:
Archival Footage of Ellis Toney and Ralph Greenson Discussing Their Cross-Racial Psychoanalysis (1976)

Post-film Discussant: Anton Hart, Ph.D.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 8 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)

In 1976, Gail Wyatt, Ph.D., of UCLA, brought together Drs. Ralph Greenson and Ellis Toney, former analyst and analysand, respectively, to discuss the psychoanalytic work they had completed together more than 25 years before, when Dr. Toney was a candidate at the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Institute. Dr. Greenson was white and Dr. Toney was black, making theirs one of the earliest cross-racial training analyses, and the racial issues that this analytic dyad encountered were of their time, yet would persist into our present moment. This unique, archival footage of a panel presentation between the two offers an all-too-relevant glimpse into the challenges psychoanalysts may encounter as they try to address issues of race with their patients and with each other.

The screening will be introduced by Anton Hart, Ph.D., a member of the NYPSI Faculty, who will provide orientation to the video. After the 54-minute screening, Dr. Hart will engage audience members in reflective discussion of what they have seen.

2 CME/CE credits will be offered.

References of Interest:
1. Harris, A. (2012). The House of Difference, or White Silence. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 13(3):197-216.
2. Hart, A. (2017).  From multicultural competence to radical openness: A psychoanalytic engagement of otherness.  The American Psychoanalyst, 51(1), 12-27.
3. Stoute, B. J. (2017). Race and racism in psychoanalytic thought: The ghosts in our nursery.  The American Psychoanalyst, 51(1), 10-29.
General Admission: $25
Student Admission: $15
NYPSI Members/Students: No Charge
To register, click HERE , visit nypsi.org   or call 212.879.6900

Lois Oppenheim, PhD Scientific Program Chair
Anton H. Hart, Ph.D. , is a Training and Supervising Analyst and on the Faculty of the William Alanson White Institute in New York City. He is a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) and the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA). A Fellow of the American Board of Psychoanalysis, he supervises at Teachers College, Columbia University and at the Derner Institute of Adelphi University. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the journals  Psychoanalytic Psychology  and  Contemporary Psychoanalysis . He teaches in the Department of Psychology at Mt. Sinai Hospital, at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, at the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute, and at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies 4-year and national programs. He has published papers on issues of mutuality, disruption and safety, and also racism, diversity and otherness. He served as Associate Co-producer for the film, "Black Psychoanalysts Speak," in which he was also featured. He is a Co-Founder of the White Institute's Study Group on Race and Psychoanalysis. He is completing a book, to be published by Routledge, entitled,  Beyond Oaths or Codes: Toward Relational Psychoanalytic Ethics.  He is in full-time private practice in New York City.




A Two-Day Conference j ointly sponsored by the Scientific Program Committee and 
The Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis
The Mind of the Artist
October 26 - 27, 2018
 New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
 247 E. 82nd Street, New York City

Speaking from a theoretical perspective, Friday evening's panelists will consider the relation between artistic creativity and psychoanalytic treatment, the significance (if any) of the high incidence of affective disorders among literary and visual artists, the paradigm of art as reparation of early object relations, and the like. The relevance of Freud's notion of sublimation to more recent explanations of the intra- and inter-psychic valuations of imaginative expression and the relationship of imagination to the self, to mechanisms of defense and agency, will be explored. Saturday morning's session will be devoted to a discussion with literary and visual artists on the notion of art as play, the neurobiological aims of that instinct in the making of meaning, the relation of id and ego function to unconscious fantasy and its expression in art, and how artistic expression bears upon our neuroscientific understanding of pleasure and reward. A plenary session by Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel will be offered in the afternoon to be followed by a wrap-up Q & A with all participants. 

General Admission - $75 early bird/ $95 after Oct 1
NYPSI/NPSA member Admission - $45 early bird/ $65 after Oct 1
Student Admission - $25 early bird/ $45 after Oct 1

Conference Program
FRIDAY, October 26 

Evening Session  (8 - 10 PM):
"Psychoanalysis and Creativity" 
Danielle Knafo, PhD; Jean-M ichel Rabaté, PhD; Peter Rudnytsky, PhD, LCSW; 
Joel Whitebook, PhD; with Lois Oppenheim, PhD (moderator)

2 CME/CE credits offered.
SATURDAY, October 27

Morning Session  (10:00 - 12:00 PM):
"What's Neuroscience Got To Do With It?"
Mark Solms, PhD in conversation with Susan Gosin, MFA; Siri Hustvedt, PhD; and 
Eliza Kentridge

2 CME/CE credits offered. 

Plenary Session (1:30 - 2:30 PM):
"The Beholder's Share:  Looking at the Brain Looking at Art"
Eric Kandel, MD, Nobel Laureate

1 CME/CE credit offered. 

Q & A with all participants  (2:30 - 3:30 PM)   

5 CME/CE credits offered for the two-day program in its entirety. 

Please contact   Lois Oppenheim  with any questions .
Plenary Speaker

Eric R. Kandel, MD is University Professor at Columbia University; Kavli Professor and Director, Kavli Institute for Brain Science; Co-Director, Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute; and a Senior Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr. Kandel  is an editor of Principles of Neural Science, the standard textbook in the field of neuroscience now in its 5th edition. In 2006, Dr. Kandel wrote a book on the brain for the general public entitled In Search of Memory: The Emergence of a New Science of Mind, which won both the L.A. Times and U.S. National Academy of Science Awards for best book in Science and Technology in 2008. A documentary film based on that book is also entitled  In Search of Memory . In 2012 he wrote  The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present , which won the Bruno-Kreisky Award in Literature, Austria's highest literary award. His newest book, published by Columbia University Press, is entitled Reductionism in Art and Brain Science: Bridging the Two Cultures. Dr. Kandel has received twenty-four honorary degrees, is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences as well as being a Foreign Member of the Royal Society of London and a member of the National Science Academies of Austria, France, Germany and Greece. He has been recognized with the Albert Lasker Award, the Heineken Award of the Netherlands, the Gairdner Award of Canada, the Harvey Prize and the Wolf Prize of Israel, and the National Medal of Science, awarded by the President of the United States. In 2000 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. 
Friday Evening Panelists

Danielle Knafo, PhD is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst. She is a professor at Long Island University's clinical psychology doctoral program and faculty and supervisor at NYU's Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She is also an art critic who has written museum essays as well as books on Egon Schiele and women's self representation in twentieth century art.  A few of her recent books are Dancing with the Unconscious: The Art of Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalysis of ArtThe Age of Perversion: Desire and Technology in Psychoanalysis and Culture; and Sex, Drugs, and Creativity: Searching for Magic in a Disenchanted World. Dr. Knafo maintains a private practice in Manhattan and Great Neck, NY.

Lois Oppenheim, PhD is University Distinguished Scholar, Professor of French, and Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Montclair State University where she teaches courses in both literature and applied psychoanalysis.  She is Scholar Associate Member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute and Honorary Member of the William Alanson White Society.  Dr. Oppenheim has published over 100 papers and authored or edited fourteen books, the most recent being  For Want of Ambiguity: Order and Chaos in Art, Psychoanalysis, and Neuroscience  (co-authored with Dr. Ludovica Lumer and currently in press) and  Imagination from Fantasy to Delusion , awarded the 2013 Courage to Dream Prize from the American Psychoanalytic Association.  Other recent books include  A Curious Intimacy: Art and Neuro-Psychoanalysis and 
The Painted Word: Samuel Beckett's Dialogue With Art.

Jean-Michel Rabaté, PhD is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania, has taught in Dijon, Paris, Montréal and Princeton. A managing editor of the  Journal of Modern Literature, he chairs the Forum for Philosophy and Literature at the MLA. One of the founders of Slought Foundation, where he curates shows, lectures and conversations, he has been since 2008 a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has authored 40 books and collections of essays. Recent titles include  Crimes of the Future  (Bloomsbury, 2014),  The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Psychoanalysis  (Cambridge UP, 2014),  The Pathos of Distance , (Bloomsbury, 2016),  Think, Pig!  (Fordham UP, 2016),  Les Guerres de Jacques Derrrida , (Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2016),  Rust , (Bloomsbury, 2018),  After Derrida , (Cambridge UP, 2018), and  Kafka L.O.L.  (Quodlibet, 2018). Forthcoming are  The New Beckett  (Cambridge UP), Understanding Derrida/Understanding Modernism  (Bloomsbury) and  Jouissance de la littérature  (ERES).

Peter L. Rudnytsky, PhD, LCSW  is Professor of English at the University of Florida and Head of the Department of Academic and Professional Affairs of the American Psychoanalytic Association.  From 2001-2011, he was the editor of  American Imago , and he currently co-edits the Psychoanalytic Horizons series with Bloomsbury and the History of Psychoanalysis series with Routledge.  He is the author and editor of numerous books, including Freud and Oedipus  (1987) and  Rescuing Psychoanalysis from Freud and Other Essays in Re-Vision  (2011), and he is currently completing  Formulated Experiences: Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm .  He is a candidate at the Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute and maintains a private practice in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in Gainesville.

Joel Whitebook, PhD is a philosopher and psychoanalyst.  He is on the faculty of the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research and is the former Director of Columbia's Psychoanalytic Studies Program.  Dr. Whitebook's theoretical project consists in the attempt to integrate psychoanalysis and critical theory.  In addition to numerous articles and a book entitled  Perversion and Utopia , he is the author of the critically acclaimed  Freud: An Intellectual Biography .

Saturday Morning Panelists

Susan Gosin, MFA  received her MFA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  In 1976, she co-founded Dieu Donne Press and Paper, Inc. in New York City.  For more than 40 years, she has collaborated with artists and writers on two- and three-dimensional art.  As a publisher and designer, her artist books have been exhibited and collected by institutions such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, MoMA, and the Library of Congress.  As an educator, she has developed curriculum and designed studio programs for The New School, NY; Rutgers University, NJ; Phumani Archival Mill, Johannesburg, South Africa; and The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt.  In 2018, she co-curated a major exhibition surveying the last 50 years in the field of paper art collaboration for IPCNY Gallery in NYC.  She has written numerous catalogues and has contributed articles about the paper arts for Art on Paper and Hand Papermaking Magazine.  She has received awards from The National Endowment and The Tiffany Foundation and was awarded the Printmaker Emeritus Award from the Southern Graphics Council.  Currently, she is president of Dieu Donne Press and serves as Co-Chair on the Board of Directors of Dieu Donne Papermill.

Siri Hustvedt, PhD is the author of a book of poems, four collections of essays, six novels, and a work of nonfiction,  The Shaking Woman or A History of My Nerves. Her most recent collection of essays,  A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women (2016), includes a 200-page essay on the mind-problem body, "The Delusions of Certainty."   In 2012, she won The Gabarron International Award for Thought and Humanities. Her most recent novel  The Blazing World was long-listed for the Man Booker Prize and won the Los Angeles Book Prize for Fiction 2014. Hustvedt has a Ph.D. in English from Columbia University and is a Lecturer in Psychiatry at the Dewitt Wallace Institute for the History of Psychiatry in the Psychiatry Department of Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Her work has been translated into over thirty languages.

Eliza Kentridge is a South African born visual artist and poet based in Wivenhoe, England. Her work has been shown individually at the Goodman Gallery (Johannesburg and Cape Town), the Highgate Gallery (London), the Art Exchange Gallery (University of Essex), BoxoHouse (New York and Joshua Tree) and the Sentinel Gallery (Wivenhoe), and at many group exhibitions elsewhere. She has read and discussed her poetry at the Freud Museum (London), Barnard College (New York), Jewish Literary Festivals (London and Cape Town), Exeter Book Festival, Poetry Wivenhoe, the Franschhoek Literary Festival, among others. Her first poetry collection  Signs for an Exhibition won the University of Johannesburg's Debut Prize for Literature. She has worked closely with Susan Gosin - who is also participating at this event - at Dieu Donné (New York) over several years.

Mark Solms, PhD is Director of Neuropsychology at the University of Cape Town. He is Director of Training of the South African Psychoanalytical Association, Member of the British Psychoanalytical Society, and Honorary Member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society.  Dr. Solms is Research Chair of the International Psychoanalytical Association, Science Director of the American Psychoanalytic Association, and Co-Chair of the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society.  He has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the Sigourney Prize, which he received in 2012.  He has published more than 350 papers in both neuroscientific and psychoanalytic journals, and eight books, including  The Brain and the Inner World (2002), translated into 12 languages, and  The Feeling Brain (2015), a compilation of his selected papers.  Dr. Solms is the editor of the forthcoming (2018)  Revised Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (24 vols) and the  Complete Neuroscientific Works of Sigmund Freud (4 vols).








"Remembering Jeremy Safran" by Sara Weber

Special number about "Vitality and Psychoanalysis", Frenis Zero, n.30, June 2018:

Colwyn Trevarthen, Jonathan T. Delafield-Butt, <<Autism as a Developmental Disorder in Intentional Movement and Affective Engagement>>

Giacomo Rizzolatti et al., <<Vitality Forms processing in the Insula during Action Observation>>



Special number about "Fundamentalism and Psychoanalysis", Frenis Zero, n.28, June 2017:

 Linden West, <<The psychoanalytical inspiration and critical theory: comparing adult education and Islamic fundamentalism>>

Sverre Varvin, <<The fundamentalist fantasy>>

 (to read the papers click on the below link) 

url: http://web.tiscali.it/freniszero 



And about Psychoanalytic Supervision:

Nancy McWilliams, "Some observations about Supervision/Consultation Groups"








Janine Altounian (Parigi), Leonardo Ancona (Roma), Brenno Boccadoro (Ginevra),  Werner Bohleber (Francoforte sul Meno), Mario Colucci (Trieste), Lidia De Rita (Bari), Santa Fizzarotti Selvaggi (Bari), Patrizia Guarnieri (Firenze), Robert Hinshelwood (Londra), René Kaes (Lione), Otto Kernberg (New York), Massimo Maisetti (Milano), Lidia Marigonda (Venezia), Predrag Matvejevic' (Zagabria), Franca Maisetti Mazzei (Milano), Laura Montani (Roma), Marie Rose Moro (Parigi), Salomon Resnik (Parigi), Mario Rossi Monti (Firenze), Mario Scarcella (Messina), Sverre Varvin (Oslo), Vamik D. Volkan (Charlottesville, USA).



Le illustrazioni contenute in questa  Newsletter sono tratte da:  "From Neurology to Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud's Neurological Drawings and Diagrams of the Mind" di Lynn Gamwell and Mark Solms.

La prossima newsletter verrà  inviata nel mese di Ottobre 2018. 

Cordiali saluti...


  La prochaine newsletter sera envoyée à  Octobre 2018. Cordiales salutations.



  The next newsletter is on October 2018.

Best regards..





Giuseppe Leo

Direttore Responsabile (Editor) rivista di psicoanalisi applicata Frenis Zero









email: assepsi@virgilio.it      website: web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm (Journal)  web.tiscali.it/cepsidi (Publisher)


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