Rivista di Psicoanalisi applicata FRENIS Zero

Iscrizione n. 978 Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Lecce

ISSN: 2037-1853

Direttore Responsabile: dott. Giuseppe Domenico LEO

Sede redazionale: Centro Psicoterapia Dinamica "M. Mancia"- via Lombardia, 18 - 73100 Lecce

 e-mail: assepsi@virgilio.it

url:  web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm  

Edizioni Frenis Zero (Publisher) web.tiscali.it/cepsidi (Eng.) http://web.tiscali.it/hermann1889/frenisEdizioni.htm(Ita)                                                                                          


March Mars Marzo 2019



View the whole newsletter online / Voir la newsletter complète en ligne / Per vedere questa newsletter completa online: http://www.psychoanalysis.altervista.org/A.S.S.E.Psi.NEWSmarzo2019.html 



Cari Signori e Signore/ Dear Sirs and Madames/ Cher(e)s Messieurs et Mesdames 

To read this newsletter in English scroll down in this web page up to the bottom.

La version française de cette newsletter se trouve à la moitié de cette page web.


 Newsletter: la nostra Newsletter (A.S.S.E.Psi. NEWS) viene inviata una volta al mese a chi ce ne fa richiesta compilando il form alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/mail.htm.









Dagli articoli di precedenti numeri della rivista di psicoanalisi Frenis Zero  è uscito l'ultimo libro delle nostre edizioni per il momento in inglese e prossimamente in italiano. Il libro è dedicato a due pionieri del dialogo tra psicoanalisi e psicologia dello sviluppo, Daniel Stern e Berry Brazelton. Gli autori del libro sono Beatrice Beebe (New York), che vi ripercorre il suo "viaggio" personale che dura 40 anni all'interno di questo ambito di ricerche, Karlen Lyons-Ruth ed altri che trattano delle rappresentazioni materne della confusione dei ruoli genitoriali,  Colwyn Trevarthen (Edimburgo), che ripercorre la storia delle sue ricerche a contatto con personaggi come Bruner e Brazelton, ed   Edward Tronick (Boston) che tratta delle implicazioni psicoterapeutiche della creazione diadica del significato.La introduzione è di Giuseppe Leo che è anche il curatore.  Il libro è acquistabile su Amazon: amazon.com

 Su Books.Google è possibile accedere ad un'anteprima limitata del libro




L'ultimo numero di Frenis Zero (n.31, anno 16, gennaio 2019) ha come tema quello dell'"EFFICACIA DELLE TERAPIE PSICOANALITICHE E SUPERVISIONE". Abbiamo il piacere di presentare, dopo il primo articolo già pubblicato: "EFFICACIA DELLE PSICOTERAPIE PSICOANALITICHE" di Lech Kalita e Chrzan Detkos, quello di Leichsenring et al. "Meccanismi del cambiamento in terapia psicodinamica", nonché l'articolo di Nancy McWilliams "Alcune osservazioni sui gruppi di supervisione". Per la sezione dedicata alla psicoanalisi in relazione alle neuroscienze vi proponiamo l'articolo di Karlen Lyons-Ruth et al. (in Inglese) "Reactivity, Regulation, and Reward Responses to Infant Cues among Mothers with and without Psychopathology: an fMRI Review".

Il sommario è al link: http://web.tiscali.it/freniszero 







Alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/touchME.htm  la recensione del film di Adina Pintilie "Touch me not"








Pubblichiamo la recensione, scritta da Brad McLean del libro di Jessica Benjamin "IL RICONOSCIMENTO RECIPROCO. L'intersoggettività e il Terzo" (2019)- Link: http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/benjamin.htm 




 Il 2 marzo 2019 si è svolto nella nostra sede del Centro di Psicoterapia Dinamica "Mauro Mancia" (via Lombardia, n.18 - Lecce)  il seminario con il dott. Giuseppe Riefolo (psicoanalista SPI, psichiatra ASL ROma/E). Nel canale YouTube di Frenis Zero potete vedere alcuni momenti della giornata di studio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilJlaZ6Q48c I PROSSIMI SEMINARI ECM  (10 crediti nazionali per ciascun evento) in piccolo gruppo (max 15 partecipanti necessariamente abilitati alla psicoterapia) saranno: "LA FINE DELLA PSICOTERAPIA" (sabato 8 giugno 2019) e "I DISTURBI DI PERSONALITA'" (sabato 23 novembre 2019). Per info ed iscrizioni contattare la Segreteria Organizzativa via email: assepsi@virgilio.it 




 "The Dead Sibling: a Family Secret and its Consequences" è il titolo del contributo (in Inglese) di Massimiliano Sommantico (analista SPI, IPA, ricercatore di Psicologia Dinamica all'Università 'Federico II' di Napoli), che, riferendosi ad un caso clinico di terapia familiare psicoanalitica,  esplora  le dinamiche di odio e di rivalità che caratterizzano i legami tra fratelli. Link: http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/sommantico.htm 




 1) Nel nostro canale YouTube il video sulla relazione di Nancy McWilliams (16 marzo 2019) "Psicoanalisi oggi e domani". Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-MZLcv7w34 


2) i due video di Lewis Aron:

a) "Lewis Aron about generative enactment". Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGbZ4Wm9VG8 

b) "Lewis Aron talks about Harold Searles". Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIHK7SGzudo 

3) Hilda Catz (psicoanalista dell'Associazione Argentina di Psicoanalisi nonché artista) espone la sua relazione su Psicoanalisi ed Arte. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKs9JJ3ukOA  


4) Georg Northoff "The Self and its Time" registrato a Roma il 9 febbraio 2019 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuLkh2qRsyo 









S. Araùjo Cabral,  L. Curone,  M. Francesconi,  L. Frattini, S. Impagliazzo, D. Centenaro Levandowski, G. Magnani, M. Manetti, C. Marangio,  G. A. Marra e Rosa, M. Martelli, M. R. Moro,  R. K. Papadopoulos, A. Pellicciari,  G. Rigon, D. Scotto di Fasano, E. Zini, A. Zunino, Psicoanalisi, luoghi della resilienza ed immigrazione, Collana "Id-entità Mediterranee", Frenis Zero   2017, ISBN 978-88-97479-11-6, € 39,00,  pagine 372. 



 ORDINAamazon.com(sconto 30%)


Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:










"PSICOANALISI IN TERRA SANTA" a cura di A. Cusin e G. Leo


H. Abramovitch,  A. Cusin, M. Dwairy, A. Lotem, M. Mansur, M. P. Salatiello, "Psicoanalisi in Terra Santa",  prefazione di Anna Sabatini Scalmati, Postfazione di Christoph U. Schminck-Gustavus, Note di Nader Akkad, Collana "Id-entità Mediterranee",  Frenis Zero   2017, ISBN 978-88-97479-12-3, € 29,00 (rilegatura rigida), euro 20,00 (rilegatura economica). 

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:



PSICOLOGIA DELL'ANTISEMITISMO (2.a edizione) di Imre Hermann



Imre Hermann, "Psicologia dell'antisemitismo",  a cura di Giuseppe Leo, Collana "Cordoglio e Pregiudizio",  Frenis Zero 2017, ISBN 978-88-97479-10-9, € 18,00. 

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.







Maria Patrizia Salatiello, "Essere bambini a Gaza. Il trauma infinito",  Collana "Id-entità Mediterranee",  Frenis Zero   2016,        ISBN 978-88-97479-08-6, € 35,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.






PSYCHOANALYSIS, COLLECTIVE TRAUMAS AND MEMORY PLACES (English edition) (edited by Giuseppe Leo, prefaced by Robert D Hinshelwood) 


Altounian, Bohleber, Deutsch, Halberstadt-Freud, Hinshelwood, Gampel, Janigro, Leo, Papadopoulos, Ritter, Varvin, Wirth, Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas and Memory Places,(English Edition) Collection "Mediterranean                   Id-entities",  Frenis Zero   2015,        ISBN 978-88-97479-09-3, € 35,50.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.












Lene Auestad, Werner Bohleber, Sverre Varvin, Vamik Volkan, Linden West


a cura di Giuseppe Leo

Edizioni Frenis Zero - collana ID-ENTITA' MEDITERRANEE - 2017 - pagg. 214





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E'  consultabile sul sito internet della rivista di psicoanalisi "Frenis Zero" (link: http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm ) il numero 31 (anno 16, gennaio 2019), numero semestrale monografico intitolato "Efficacia delle terapie psicoanalitiche e supervisione".  








INDICE N.31, anno XVI, gennaio 2019 




<<MECCANISMI DEL CAMBIAMENTO IN TERAPIA PSICODINAMICA>> di Falk Leichsenring, Christiane Steinert, Paul Crits-Christoph













    Newsletter en français: notre newsletter (A.S.S.E.Psi. NEWS) sera envoyée à  tous qui en demanderont (le formulaire est à  la page web : 

http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/mail.htm  ).   

1)      Au lien de Frenis Zero (http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm) Vous pouvez lire le sommaire du Numéro 31, an 16 (janvier 2019) de notre journal, dédié au sujet de <<Efficacité des thérapies psychanalytiques et supervision>> (articles en italien et en anglais). 


2)   Critique par Jean-Pierre Vidit du film: "L'AMANT DOUBLE" (François Ozon, 2017). Lien: http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/aimantDOUBLE.htm 



3) Chaîne You Tube de Frenis Zero: "René Roussillon parle du dialogue entre Psychanalyse et Psychothérapie" Lien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbsuPrTx1g4 



  Newsletter in English: our newsletter (A.S.S.E.Psi. NEWS) will be sent to everyone who requests it (the form is at the link 

http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/mail.htm  .




1)  We  are glad to announce the issue of the last number (n.31, year 16, january 2019) of Frenis Zero on-line journal: "EFFICACY OF  PSYCHOANALYTIC THERAPIES AND SUPERVISION". The table of contents is at url: http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm . The papers are  in Italian and English. 


Following the article (in Italian) by Lech Kalita and Chrzan Detkos "Efficacia delle terapie psicoanalitiche" (Efficacy of psychoanalytic therapies) and the paper (in Italian)  "Meccanismi del cambiamento in terapia psicodinamica" ("Mechanisms of change in psychodynamic therapy") by Falk Leichsenring, Christiane Steinert, Paul Crits-Christoph, we are glad to announce two papers in English exploring the topic: one, "Some observations about Supervision/Consultation Groups" by Nancy McWilliams, and the other, concerning the NEURO-PSYCHOANALYTIC section "Reactivity, Regulation, and Reward Responses to Infant Cues among Mothers with and without Psychopathology: an fMRI review" by Karlen Lyons-Ruth et al.. 





2) We  are glad to announce the issue of the last book  published in English by Edizioni Frenis Zero:"INFANT RESEARCH AND PSYCHOANALYSIS" edited by Giuseppe Leo, writings by Beatrice Beebe, Karlen Lyons-Ruth, Jeremy P. Nahum, Elisabet Solheim, Colwyn Trevarthen, Edward Z. Tronick, Lauriane Vulliez-Coady. Collection "Borders of Psychoanalysis", Frenis Zero publisher, Lecce 2018, pp.273.



This book has the hard task to cover an interdisciplinary area in which psychoanalysis has to deal with infant research. The development of infant research methodologies is illustrated in the present book by the contribution written by Beatrice Beebe, whose ‘journey’ leads us through the ‘creating’ of a discipline with its creators, her traveling companions, such as Daniel Stern, Frank Lachmann, Joseph Jaffe and many others. Trevarthen’s chapter is a discussion of his work with T. Berry Brazelton, passed away on March 2018. Brazelton used his trust and enjoyment of innocent company to greet a newborn infant as a friend, and he showed that the baby is read to share friendship with mother and father, giving them joy. Brazelton’s belief in innate human nature transformed pediatric care and early diagnosis of developmental disorders, guiding treatment, not ‘of’ the baby, but ‘with’ him/her as an individual with unique expressions of vitality. The last two chapters, instead, deal with clinical implications of infant research. Tronick’s contribution focuses on mother-infant dyad as well as on analyst-patient one, conceived as open dynamic systems, capable of meaning making, in which coherence is at best imperfect, and coordination alternates with mismatching. In open dynamic systems messiness itself is inherent to the process of meaning making because of limitations in their capacity, «their different time scales, the many polymorphs of meaning that have to be integrated, and because of the many kinds of meaning making processes» (including affective, cognitive, memorial, linguistic, bodily and psychodynamic meaning making processes, such as a dynamic unconscious, projective identification and transference). «Dyadic states of consciousness» Tronick writes in the chapter «are joint creations and, as such, bring together the messy, unpredictable and inchoate features of two individuals’ state of consciousness, not just the messiness of one». But meaning meaning processes and security making ones, though normally overlapping each other, are not the same, and this heterogeneity between motivational systems (Lichtenberg et al., 2011) can cover the heterogeneity of psychopathological conditions. Lyons-Ruth and colleagues’ chapter is focused on the representational world of the mother, particularly on the assessment of mother’s representation of role-confusion in her relation with her child. The authors call attention to the dimension of sexualisation in the relationship, a high indicator of role-confusion. This emerging body of work points to the importance of being alert to indicators of role-confusion in the clinical setting. The findings can inform and enrich counselling and psychology practice by familiarizing clinicians with how to listen for indicators of role-confusion while talking with parents about their relationship with the child.


To get a preview of the book click here:


Two videos, in Frenis Zero YouTube channel, devoted to Daniel Stern and Berry Brazelton, take a cue from the chapters in this book:

a) "A Tribute to Dan Stern". Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LggjzmUeO4


b) "Tribute to Berry Brazelton". Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQER32NadVo 



3) An interview with Christopher Bollas about his last book "MEANING AND MELANCHOLIA" is available at the page http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/bollas.htm 


4) Book "FUNDAMENTALISM AND PSYCHOANALYSIS", Giuseppe Leo (Editor), Prefaced by Vamik D. Volkan, writings by Lene Auestad, Werner Bohleber, Sverre Varvin, Linden West. Collection "Mediterranean Id-entities", Frenis Zero publisher, Lecce 2017, pp.214. 



The collection “Mediterranean Id-entities” is devoted to publish books in order to investigate the role of Mediterranean cultures from a psychoanalytic point of view, in front of the anthropological transformations concerning human societies and social institutions in the contemporary world. This book has the hard task to cover an interdisciplinary area in which psychoanalysis has to deal with fundamentalism as a social phenomenon and therefore with ‘bordering’ disciplines (such as religion history, transcultural studies, cultural anthropology) often with epistemologies that for origin and history appear to be incomparable to it. Lene Auestad intends to integrate the psychological analysis of the subject with its social embedding. She investigates the importance of the social unconscious and its effects on the prejudiced intentions of the individual apart from its own active interpretations. She highlights the importance the psychoanalytical approach provides in understanding the unspoken, unconscious contents of the social phenomena and how much the socially critical approach is able to enrich the analytical view which merely focuses on the subject regarding the effects of the social consensus. While Auestad’s scrutiny aims at the social convention’s role as an agent affecting the individual’s deeds and thinking, Linden West’s contribution draws on ‘psycho-social’ understandings, combining psychoanalysis and critical theory, as well as the work of John Dewey, to interrogate Islamic fundamentalist groups in a post-industrial city. It explores processes of self-recognition in groups and paranoid-schizoid modes of functioning, in which unwanted parts of self and of culture are split off and projected on to the other. The world is correspondingly divided into good and bad, pure and impure. John Dewey makes a crucial distinction between processes of democratic education and closed groups, which is what fundamentalist groups are, by reference to the quality of relationship to the other, and to experiential and narrative openness. However, it is also suggested that fundamentalism is ordinary, in that each of us can feel out of our depth, at times, and we may grab at ideas promising truth and nothing but the truth, which is ultimately illusion. Except not everyone reaches for a Kalashnikov, which is where individual biographies matter for subtler understanding of difference within commonalities. Fundamentalism has increasingly become a part of the political discourse in Western countries and is to a large degree associated with Islamic Jihadism. Fundamentalism has, however, been a concern in all religions, and Werner Bohleber in this book discusses its connections with violence in monotheistic religions. Fundamentalism is also a concern in professional organisations and in this book Sverre Varvin discusses the relation between fundaments for a science and fundamentalism in psychoanalysis. This is related to general trends of fundamentalism in religious and political contexts. A central question is how adherence to fundamentals, understood at basic principles for a profession or a religious-political movement, may develop into fundamentalism and how this may develop into more violent forms. Psychoanalytic understanding of mass psychology and unconscious processes at group levels are developed in this book by each of the outstanding authors in order to understand present Islamic and other forms of fundamentalist movements in the European context.




To get a preview of the book click here:




5) "NEUROSCIENCE AND PSYCHOANALYSIS", G. Leo (ed.), prefaced by Georg Northoff, writings by  David Mann, Allan N. Schore, Robert Stickgold, Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, Grigoris Vaslamatzis, Matthew P. Walker, Collection "Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience", Frenis Zero Publisher, Lecce 2014, pp.300, € 49,00.

The book gathers some papers concerning the dialogue between neuroscience and psychoanalysis. Following the Introduction written by Georg Northoff, concerning the possibility of overcoming the highly impasse generating contraposition between localizationism and holism, G. Vaslamatzis deals with a “Framework for a new dialogue between psychoanalysis and neurosciences”. In this chapter the author describes three points of epistemological congruence: firstly, dualism is no longer a satisfactory solution; secondly, cautions for the centrality of interpretation (hermeneutics); and, thirdly, the self-criticism of neuroscientists. David W.Mann in his contribution “The mirror crack’d: dissociation and reflexivity in self and group phenomena” tries to show how reflexive processes generate each of three levels of the human system (self, relationships, group) and integrate them one to another, while dissociative processes tend throughout to pull them apart. Health and illness within the self, the relationship and the group can be understood as special states of the dynamic equilibria between these cohesive and dispersive trends. In “Sleep, memory and plasticity” Matthew P. Walker and Robert Stickgold outline a review of the researches following the discovery of rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM (NREM) sleep, and specifically of those that began testing the hypothesis that sleep, or even specific stages of sleep, actively participated in the process of memory development. The last two chapters, “Clinical implications of neuroscience research in PTSD” by Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, and “Dysregulation of the right brain: a fundamental mechanism of traumatic attachment and the psychopathogenesis of PTSD” by Allan N. Schore, demonstrate how the psychopathology of traumatic conditions can be a fertile field of dialogue between neuroscience and psychoanalysis.


To order the book you can click here: amazon.comor here  

To get a preview of the book click here:  




"PSYCHOANALYSIS AND ITS BORDERS",  G. Leo (ed.), writings by J. Altounian, P. Fonagy, G.O. Gabbard,  J.S. Grotstein,  R.D. Hinshelwood,  J.P. Jiménez, O.F. Kernberg,  S. Resnik. Collection "Borders of Psychoanalysis", Frenis Zero Publisher, Lecce 2012, pp. 348, € 19,00. 

Eight outstanding theoreticians of contemporary psychoanalysis reflect on psychoanalysis and its borders and boundaries between it and adjacent disciplines such as neuroscience, psychiatry, and social sciences. The book celebrates ten years of existence of Frenis Zero psychoanalytic journal.
You can view a video introducing the book in our You Tube Channel ( www.youtube.com/frenis0 )
  To order the book you can click here: amazon.comor here                                                                                   To get a preview of the book click here:  





7)  NEW ARTICLE in Frenis Zero psychoanalytic on-line journal: The Dead Sibling: a Family Secret and its Consequencesby Massimiliano Sommantico   Link: http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/sommantico.htm 



By referring to a clinical example of psychoanalytic family psychotherapy, the author highlights the relevance of the dynamics of hate and rivalry that characterize sibling links. In particular, the author analyses the rivalry of the daughter with her dead elder brother, and her hate link with her younger brother. The focus on the family’s common and shared psychic world allows these dimensions to be considered more in depth. The author describes a sequence in the psychotherapeutic work, also using dream analysis, by focusing particularly on a denial pact that characterises the family dynamic and on the interpsychic dynamics related to the replacement child. More generally, the author shows the importance of taking into account also the fraternal dimension – and not only the oedipal one – in working psychoanalytically with families.








8)  Video launching the next number of Frenis Zero psychoanalytic journal (june 2017) about "Fundamentalism and Psychoanalysis"


Fundamentalism and Psychoanalysis from Frenis Zero on Vimeo.




9) "JAAK PANKSEPP (1943-2017) A HOMMAGE". In Frenis Zero video Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJsWvpqIRlg&t=335s 




10) "PARENTALITY AND CAREGIVING MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEM" by Joseph Lichtenberg in Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_BOVnsNt28&t=103s 






11) "ANXIETY" by Joseph LeDoux  in Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ydqgx_zerc 



12) "HANNAH AND FORMS OF VITALITY. A review by Giuseppe Leo" https://assepsi.wistia.com/medias/enhtfz3lpi 






13) "LADY BIRD". A review by Sandra E. Cohen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkdUAW_uY04 


14) LEWIS ARON ABOUT GENERATIVE ENACTMENT. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGbZ4Wm9VG8 


15) LEWIS ARON TALKS ABOUT HAROLD SEARLES. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIHK7SGzudo 

16) "GENDER IDENTITY AND SELF VITALITY IN THREE MOVIES". Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zVwkeZdOHk 

                   17) "ROCK & PSYCHOANALYSIS" by Giuseppe Leo    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcsFGlY6UuQ 
                    18) "THE KINDERGARTEN TEACHER. Review by Giuseppe Leo"    Link (Linkedin): https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6494517152308043776 

19) "THE SELF AND ITS TIME" by Georg Northoff Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuLkh2qRsyo 

20) "PSYCHOANALYSIS TODAY AND TOMORROW" by Nancy McWilliams (Mar 16, 2019). Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-MZLcv7w34 






21) N-Psa Newsletters, New York Psychoanalytic Institute and IPA newsletters


(source: N-PSA newsletter)


A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Dreams:
Why they are, What they tell us and 
How they help us help our patients 

 Douglas J. Van der Heide, M.D.
March 28 - April 11, 2019 
Thursdays, 8:00 - 9:15 p.m. 
3 classes  /  $90 
Location: 247 East 82nd Street, NYC
NYPSI Extension Program:  
A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Dreams
Freud called his solving the riddle of dreams his greatest achievement. The dream highlights his core discoveries of mind and any metapsychological theory building must account for them. Dreams are unique and quintessentially personal. They offer a genuine view of the dreamer's soul and their use is of immense value in the creation of a healing space. 

Learning to work with dreams requires comfort with metaphorical thinking and a reflective position that embodies what Freud meant by analytic neutrality. This course is intended to review basic Freudian concepts including the Topographic Model which underlie dream production. The instructor will demonstrate how dreams have been used for historical reconstruction but in contemporary usage, as measures of self-image, characteristic defenses, ego capacity, object relations, and of course, the state of the transference. 

This is meant to be seminar style course. The instructor will use some of his own material to demonstrate these aspects of dream life but encourages participants to bring in dreams from their practice so the class can work collaboratively to mine them for clinical data and consider therapeutic approach. 

3.75 CME/CE credits offered
Douglas J. Van der Heide, M.D.  is a Supervising and Training Analyst at PANY (formerly IPE) and is on the Faculty of the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute. He has taught the course Dreams in Clinical Practice at NYPSI for over 18 years. 


The Role of the Analyst as a Developmental Object in Therapeutic Action
Carla Neely , Ph.D.
Thursday, March 28, 2019, 8 - 10 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)
No charge.
Register  HERE , visit  nypsi.org  or call 212.879.6900
All are welcome.  Child candidates are expected to attend.
The use of the analyst as a developmental object can occur in all analyses but has been linked historically to technique applicable primarily to developmental pathology. It has also suffered by its confusion with the concept "corrective emotional experience."  This paper attempts to correct that confusion as well as to clarify the mechanisms by which the analyst as developmental object contributes to structural change. To highlight the unique roles of the developmental object in therapeutic action, clinical material is presented contrasting the use of the analyst as a developmental object with that of the analyst as transference object. To achieve this goal, this paper draws on psychoanalytic theorists' study of the concept and illustrative clinical examples.

2 CME/ CE credits offered.
Articles of Interest
1. Fonagy, P., Moran, G.S., Edgcumbe, R., Kennedy, H. and Target, M. (1993). The Roles of Mental Representations and Mental Processes in Therapeutic Action. Psychoanal. St. Child, 48:9-48.
2. Hurry, A. (1998). Psychoanalysis and Developmental Therapy (Psychoanalytic Monographs; no.3). Karnac Books. 
3. Miller, J.M. (2013). Developmental Psychoanalysis and Developmental Objects. Psychoanal. Inq., 33(4):312-322.\
4. Nachman, P.A. Balas, A. Karush, R.K. (2013). Prologue: Treatment of the Under-Five Child.Psychoanal. Inq., 33(4):309-311.
5. Sugarman, A. (2018). The Importance of Promoting a Sense of Self-Agency in Child Psychoanalysis. Psychoanal. St. Child, 71:108-122.
6. Tähkä, V. (1994). Mind and its treatment: A psychoanalytic approach. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.
Dr. Carla Neely is a child and adolescent analyst who trained at the Hampstead Therapy Clinic in London. She completed her adult psychoanalytic training at the Denver Institute of Psychoanalysis. Prior to that, she graduated from Smith College Social Work School and she then went to the Lund University in Sweden where she obtained her Ph.D. She is on the faculty of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis, the Washington School of Psychiatry and the Washington Baltimore Psychoanalytic Institute.  She is past President, past Secretary, and past Councilor of the Association for Child Psychoanalysis.  Her areas of publications and presentations are creativity, sublimation, developmental disharmony, developmental object, therapeutic action, and the nature of working through.


Racial Socialization and Thwarted Mentalization: 
Reflections of a psychoanalyst from the lived experience of James Baldwin's America
Beverly J. Stoute, M.D.
Thursday, March 21, 2019, 8 - 10 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)
No charge.
Register HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900
All are welcome. Child candidates are expected to attend.
A contemporary psychoanalytic perspective recognizes that the discussion of race will occur at the intersection of the intrapsychic and the social.   Framing this discussion with clinical examples, Dr. Stoute traces and explores the developmental evolution of race awareness from childhood and adolescence into adulthood, and reformulates the research on race awareness with a rare analytic interpretation of James Baldwin's letter to his nephew, first published in 1962 in  The  Progressive, later in his acclaimed  The Fire Next Time  and revived as the literary forerunner of  Between the World and Me in 2015 by Ta-Nehisi Coates.  In this discussion, enriched with analytic data on mentalization and trans-generational trauma, Dr. Stoute integrates the theoretical, the clinical, the literary and the developmental perspectives to demonstrate the invaluable importance of psychodynamic understanding in deconstructing how we process racial difference in treatment situations and help clinicians recognize and discuss their own conscious and unconscious racial and cultural bias in working with patients.
2 CME/ CE credits offered.
Beverly J. Stoute, M.D.  is a graduate of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges and Yale University School of Medicine. Dr. Stoute went on to complete her psychiatry residency and fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at Payne Whitney Clinic-New York Hospital, part of Cornell Medical Center. She completed psychoanalytic training in child, adolescent, and adult psychoanalysis at The New York Psychoanalytic Institute. She serves as a training and supervising analyst at Emory University Psychoanalytic Institute and a child and adolescent supervising analyst at New York Psychoanalytic Institute. Dr. Stoute is a faculty member of the Southeast Child Analytic Consortium and an adjunct associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences of Emory University School of Medicine. She emphasizes clinician education and training in recognizing and discussing racial bias. Dr. Stoute co-edited the 2016-2017 series in The American Psychoanalyst entitled Conversations on Psychoanalysis and Race, featuring her ground-breaking review paper "Race and Racism in Psychoanalytic Thought: The Ghosts in our Nursery," now required reading in race and diversity courses at psychoanalytic institutes across the country. Dr. Stoute treats children, adolescents, and adults in her private practice. Her book, with co-editor Michael Slevin, MSW, entitled  Race in the Therapeutic Encounter  is due out in 2019.


Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy

Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, M.D. & Peter Mezan, Ph.D.
3/7, 3/14, 3/21/2019 
Thursdays, 8:00 - 9:30 pm 
3 classes  /  $90 
Location: 247 East 82nd Street, NYC
NYPSI Extension Program: Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy
This course will present results of an ongoing collaborative research by two analysts working in two different modalities - individual and couple. The comparison of the dynamics in the two settings reveals many new issues and questions. For instance: Is there an unconscious organization of the couple distinct from the unconscious organizations of the individuals in it? What are the differences between the individual's transferences to the analyst and to the patient's partner? How much can the analyst know about the patient's partner? At every meeting the instructors will present clinical material illustrating these and other issues. 

4.5 CME/CE credits offered
Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, MD  is a member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute; of the Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine and of CAPS. She founded and chaired the New York Psychoanalytic Institute's Colloquium with Visiting Authors, where members of diverse schools of thought were invited to present their psychoanalytic perspectives. She served as the Foreign Editor of the  Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis. She is in private practice and conducts private seminars and supervisions. Besides being guest lecturer at American and International institutions she has written reviews and essays on the work of various authors as well as publications of her own work, such as: "To Mother or Not to Mother: Abortion and its Challenges" (1993); "Discovering One's Own Responsibility in a Judgmental System" (1996); "The Headless Woman: Scheherazade's Syndrome" (1997); "The First Interview: From Psychopathology to Psychoexistential Diagnosis" (1999); "The Internal Interlocutor" (2001); "Malignant Passionate Attachments" (2004); "Implicit theories of the psychoanalyst about femininity" (2008); "The perilous road to hope" (2009); "Coupledom" (2010); "The Synergizing potential of Individual and Couple Treatments" (2011) with Peter Mezan, PhD; "Is there an unconscious organization of the couple, and if so, how does it come into being?" with Peter Mezan, PhD (2012); "What can we know about our patient's partner?" with Peter Mezan, PhD (2012). She has been the co-editor, with Leticia Glocer Fiorini of "Freud's Femininity" a book edited in 2010 by the IPA under the Contemporary Freud Series. Her chapter in that book: "Are women still at risk of being misunderstood?"   abelinsasrose@gmail.com

Peter Mezan, PhD is Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and  is a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City. Earlier in his career he was Senior Psychologist and psychotherapy supervisor at North Central Bronx Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Mezan was educated at Harvard College, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Graduate School, Cambridge University, and The City University of New York. While at Harvard, he worked with inner city adolescent gangs under the supervision of Erik Erikson. In London, where he lived for many years, he worked with R.D. Laing and, as a freelance journalist, introduced Laing to the American public in cover articles in major American magazines and contributions to several books. Dr. Mezan was a lecturer on family systems in Laing's Philadelphia Association. He was also Supervisor in Renaissance English literature and modern American poetry at Christ's College, Cambridge, and an editor at  Nature, the British science journal. In collaboration with Dr. Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, he has given numerous papers at major psychoanalytic conferences around the world on the psychoanalysis of couples. They are currently collaborating on a book on that subject.    drmezan@gmail.com



Dr. Bennett Roth on Violence 
Wednesday, March 6, 2019, 8:00 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)
$20 - General Admission
$15 - Student Admission
No charge for NYPSI members/students
Register HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900
Works in Progress Seminar:  Dr. Bennett Roth on Violence

Dr. Roth's interest in violence was awakened by the limited devastation of the 9/11 attack in New York City that he viewed. Three responses emerged as he worked with people near the WTC site. His psychological responses were enhanced by his prior psychoanalytic treatment of a man who claimed he killed someone as a child and Dr. Roth formulated the following questions: 1) How did they motivate people to kill unarmed/innocent people? 2) Was there a dynamic link between the interest in survivors as victims and turning away from the perpetrators?

After immersing himself in the enormous literature of the Nazi period, he painfully reflected on the absence of clinical theory concerning violence until recently. This included the dynamics of mass (state directed) murder. Psychoanalytic theory of individuals and groups offered no frame or path to understand the attempts to exterminate the European Jews. Is there a different development progression of violent individuals than offered by classical psychoanalytic theory's narrow perspective of development and sexuality? If forms of self-interested violence had to be suppressed for collective safety when large social groups were formed, what were the conditions for its appearance in individual and mass violence? The mystery deepened for him and the answers were slow to be revealed. Despite the voluminous literature on the Holocaust and the killing fields of wars, there was an absence of psychoanalytic interest in "killing" and murder until recently. Is there a scotoma for violence and harm?

One deeper psychoanalytic explanation is found in Bion's concept of hallucinosis. "Hallucinosis" is a term coined by Wilfred Bion in "Transformations" (1965) to denote the psychic act of the "normal" unconscious part of the personality that transforms an object in reality into useable information. It is a powerful idea of Bion's and offers an explanation that a false belief can exist in a relatively functional individual or individuals that transforms them and their environment in accord with a focal delusion. Malevolence, danger or an exalted idea is then assigned to a real external entity that becomes a source of threat. Individuals then react to their imaginary threat with violence to remove it. Dr. Roth believes this pattern appears in a wide range of violent behavior, from the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting to mass genocide.

No CME or CE credits offered.


Defects in the Process of Representation in Early Childhood: 
Consequences in Child Development and Analytic Technique in Dyadic Therapy

Presenter: Christine Anzieu-Premmereur, M.D., Ph.D.
Discussant: Patricia Nachman, Ph.D.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 |  8:00 - 10:00 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)
$25 - General Admission
$15 - Student Admission (non-NYPSI)
No charge for NYPSI members and students

Register HERE, 
nypsi.org  or call 212.879.6900 

In this paper presentation Dr. Anzieu will discuss the normal and pathological development of representation in childhood. Using clinical examples, she will demonstrate the ways in which the child's analyst can foster the process when it has gone off track. By integrating Freud's idea of autoeroticism and early instinctual life with concepts from Klein, Winnicott, and Bion, she will describe the formation of the child's self and will consider how its representation progresses from an initially symbiotic double of the mother to a differentiated object.

In doing psychoanalytically-informed work with children, the analyst encounters behaviors, anxiety states, and syndromes that may be said to result from a failure of the early symbolization process. A discharge of tension, as opposed to play, reveals the failure of association between representation and emotion. Why the child acts rather than plays, why behavioral problems are on the rise, and how both relate to a failure in the capacity for representation, a failure that leads to severe anxieties and other disorders in the absence of loved ones, will therefore provide the focus of the discussion.

2 CME/CE credits offered. 
"Mind and Consciousness" 

Terence Rogers, Ph.D.
Wednesday, April 3, 2019 | 8:00 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)
$20 - General Admission
$15 - Student Admission
No charge for NYPSI members/students
Register HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900
Works in Progress Seminar:  Mind and Consciousness

With the larger aim of formulating a model of the human mind that acts as a bridge between clinicians and neuroscientists, we suggest that it is possible to clarify some of the questions that have vexed psychodynamic and psychoanalytic thinking for a long time. Two examples, "What is a Mind", and, "What is Consciousness" will be addressed and their connection to topics such as awareness, subjectivity and attention will be touched on. We shall also address Chalmer's "Hard Problem", and initiate a discussion on the way in which classic Freudian models of the mind can be interpreted within these conceptions. We will not address therapeutic techniques, except in a very general sense. 

No CME or CE credits offered.
Terence Rogers holds a Ph.D. from Cambridge University (UK) in the Theory of Elementary Particle Physics, and a B.Sc., also from Cambridge, in Natural Sciences (1st Class Honors). He was then awarded a Harkness Fellowship to carry out research at Princeton and Berkeley Universities.  He left academia and worked for IBM from 1970 to 1990, becoming a Group Director, and from 1990 to 1999 he held executive positions in several software companies, including being CEO of a (failed) Internet startup.  In 1999 he was asked to lead a national project to build an alternative Internet, which was announced at the White House and became the most powerful network in the world.  Subsequently, Dr. Rogers became President and CEO of the International ThinkQuest Foundation an initiative for engaging 100,000 teenagers around the world in creating educational websites for other students.  Between 2006 and 2012 Dr. Rogers worked on a proposal to redesign our K-12 Public School System, and his book Fifty Million Futures is to be published imminently.   In 2013, he became Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, where his research is devoted to applying his knowledge of complex systems to studying models of the mind.


Eyes Wide Shut: 
A Psychoanalytic Investigation

Presenter: Mary Wild
Wednesday, April 17, 2019 |  7:00 - 9:00 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
The Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium 
247 East 82nd Street | New York City

General Admission: $10
All proceeds support the A.A. Brill Library.

Register HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900
Eyes Wide Shut is an erotic drama film directed by Stanley Kubrick - released in 1999, it is the final feature he completed before dying that same year at the age of 70. Based on Arthur Schnitzler's 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), it depicts the ambivalent role of extra-marital fantasies revealed by a woman to her husband in a seemingly happy relationship. One would be forgiven to suspect that, over the course of his career, Kubrick was working his way to an investigation of female desire by first tackling less daunting subjects in earlier works (e.g., war, outer space, ultraviolence and horror)!

Starring the then-still-married actors Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise,  Eyes Wide Shut presents dark motifs of jealousy and sexual obsession, although Kubrick intended the film as a "hopeful" story about commitment and monogamous fidelity. The title is a reference to remarks made by Benjamin Franklin: "Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards" - a shorthand for a pragmatic attitude in terms of viewing a spouse's inner life.

A pattern formed with the emergence of new Kubrick films; baffled critics angrily dismissed his vision, but the equalizing forces of word-of-mouth among audiences ensured that a cult following developed around his masterful cinema. Peter Bradshaw, writing in The Guardian, was one of  Eyes Wide Shut's biggest detractors, referring to it as "a grotesque, vulgar, preposterous flop that embarrassingly damages one of the most unimpeachable reputations in world cinema." While  The New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael raised herself from retirement to declare the film "a piece of crap."

This lecture will interpret  Eyes Wide Shut from a psychoanalytic perspective, relying on theoretical concepts such as the uncanny, primal scene, feminine jouissance, Eros, and Thanatos to approach the infuriating enigma of marital eroticism. On the 20th anniversary of Kubrick's death coinciding with the film's release, we will reflect back on the initial outraged response of film reviewers, and identify the director's recurring iconic themes that, in a present-day appraisal, stand the test of time.
Mary Wild is the creator of the PROJECTIONS lecture series at Freud Museum London, applying psychoanalysis to film interpretation. Her interests include cinematic representations of mental illness, doppelgangers and the unconscious in the genres of horror, science fiction and documentary. Mary also co-hosts a film podcast on iTunes: PROJECTIONS Podcast.

The Mental Life of a Combat Vet

 Ian D. Buckingham, M.D., Herbert H. Stein, M.D. 
 Eldene G. Towey, M.D.
Saturday, March 16, 2019 
10:00 am - 1:00 pm 
1 class  /  $75 
Location: 247 East 82nd Street, NYC
NYPSI Extension Program:  
The Mental Life of a Combat Vet
Armed conflict between different communities of humanity has been recorded for millennia. The effects of involvement in war on the lives of combatant soldiers and their families have over the centuries been extensively reported in histories, literature, and medical writings. The particular psychological consequences of involvement in combat have been the focus of attention and study for more than a hundred years, including in the psychoanalytic literature. 

The course will be given by 3 psychiatrists, 2 of whom are psychoanalysts and one of whom is a retired US Army Major psychiatrist who treated soldiers in the field of combat in Afghanistan, and all of whom have extensive experience in working with veterans. The course will address issues of the history of psychoanalytic thought in regard to trauma, current dynamically informed treatment of veterans and the importance of the dynamics of the individual combat vet. 

3 CME/CE credits offered
Ian D. Buckingham, M.D. is on the Faculty and former President of the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute. He is also Chief of Psychiatry, Brooklyn VA.

Herbert H. Stein, M.D. is on the Faculty and former Director of the Institute for Psychoanalytic Education affiliated with NYU as well as former Deputy Chief of Psychiatry and Director of PTSD Program, Brooklyn VA.

Major Eldene G. Towey, M.D. (retired) is Chief of Addiction Psychiatry, Westchester Medical Center and former Medical Director, Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program, Brooklyn VA.



"The Dead Sibling: A Family Secret and its Consequences"                        by Massilmiliano Sommantico

"Presence and Lingering: Psychoanalysis in a Mindfulness Frame"          by Chin Li

"Remembering Jeremy Safran" by Sara Weber

"Reactivity, Regulation, and Reward Responses to Infant Cues among Mothers with and without Psychopathology: an fMRI study"                     by K. Lyons-Ruth et al.

Special number about "Vitality and Psychoanalysis", Frenis Zero, n.30, June 2018:

Colwyn Trevarthen, Jonathan T. Delafield-Butt, <<Autism as a Developmental Disorder in Intentional Movement and Affective Engagement>>

Giacomo Rizzolatti et al., <<Vitality Forms processing in the Insula during Action Observation>>



Special number about "Fundamentalism and Psychoanalysis", Frenis Zero, n.28, June 2017:

 Linden West, <<The psychoanalytical inspiration and critical theory: comparing adult education and Islamic fundamentalism>>

Sverre Varvin, <<The fundamentalist fantasy>>

 (to read the papers click on the below link) 

url: http://web.tiscali.it/freniszero 



And about Psychoanalytic Supervision:

Nancy McWilliams, "Some observations about Supervision/Consultation Groups"








Janine Altounian (Parigi), Leonardo Ancona (Roma), Brenno Boccadoro (Ginevra),  Werner Bohleber (Francoforte sul Meno), Mario Colucci (Trieste), Lidia De Rita (Bari), Santa Fizzarotti Selvaggi (Bari), Patrizia Guarnieri (Firenze), Robert Hinshelwood (Londra), René Kaes (Lione), Otto Kernberg (New York), Massimo Maisetti (Milano), Lidia Marigonda (Venezia), Predrag Matvejevic' (Zagabria), Franca Maisetti Mazzei (Milano), Laura Montani (Roma), Marie Rose Moro (Parigi), Salomon Resnik (Parigi), Mario Rossi Monti (Firenze), Mario Scarcella (Messina), Sverre Varvin (Oslo), Vamik D. Volkan (Charlottesville, USA).



Le illustrazioni contenute in questa  Newsletter sono tratte da:  "From Neurology to Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud's Neurological Drawings and Diagrams of the Mind" di Lynn Gamwell and Mark Solms.

La prossima newsletter verrà  inviata nel mese di Aprile 2019. 

Cordiali saluti...


  La prochaine newsletter sera envoyée en  Avril 2019. Cordiales salutations.



  The next newsletter is in April 2019.

Best regards..





Giuseppe Leo

Direttore Responsabile (Editor) rivista di psicoanalisi applicata Frenis Zero









email: assepsi@virgilio.it      website: web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm (Journal)  web.tiscali.it/cepsidi (Publisher)


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