Rivista di Psicoanalisi applicata FRENIS Zero

Iscrizione n. 978 Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Lecce

ISSN: 2037-1853

Direttore Responsabile: dott. Giuseppe Domenico LEO

Sede redazionale: Centro Psicoterapia Dinamica "M. Mancia"- via Lombardia, 18 - 73100 Lecce

 e-mail: assepsi@virgilio.it

url:  web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm  

Edizioni Frenis Zero (Publisher) web.tiscali.it/cepsidi (Eng.) http://web.tiscali.it/hermann1889/frenisEdizioni.htm (Ita)                   November Novembre  2016



Cari Signori e Signore/ Dear Sirs and Madames/ Cher(e)s Messieurs et Mesdames 

 Newsletter: la nostra Newsletter (A.S.S.E.Psi. NEWS) viene inviata una volta al mese a chi ce ne fa richiesta compilando il form alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/mail.htm.







"IL CONTROTRANSFERT" è il tema del 9° corso di supervisione clinica con il dott. Giuseppe Riefolo che si terrà a Lecce presso il Centro di Psicoterapia Dinamica "Mauro Mancia" il 19 novembre dalle 9.00 alle 14.00. Info: http://web.tiscali.it/cepsidi/congressi.htm 




Continuando ogni due anni a  proporre delle riflessioni psicoanalitiche sulle Id-entità Mediterranee, il convegno del 2016 ha avuto al centro il tema del trauma sociale, dopo che nel convegno del 2014 si è trattato quello della resilienza e della creatività come risorse, interne, sociali ed istituzionali, in relazione al trauma delle migrazioni nello scenario mediterraneo. Una sintesi dei momenti più salienti del convegno "Psicoanalisi e luoghi del trauma sociale", tenutosi a Lecce il 22 ottobre 2016, è disponibile sul nostro canale youtube.





Sempre restando in tema di rapporti tra psicoanalisi e ricerca scientifica vi proponiamo la recensione di John S. Auerbach del libro "La psicoterapia psicodinamica basata sulla ricerca" (Cortina, 2015)  Per leggere la recensione clicca qui




Colwyn Trevarthen (Università di Edimburgo) ha concesso la traduzione di un suo lavoro intitolato "MOTIVAZIONE, INTENZIONALITA' E INTERSOGGETTIVITA' NEL COMPORTAMENTO DEL NEONATO E DEL BAMBINO", che verrà pubblicato integralmente in un prossimo volume che sarà edito dalle Edizioni Frenis Zero. L'estratto è accessibile a partire dal link http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/trevarthen.htm .




E' il titolo dell'ultimo numero semestrale (n.26, anno XIII, giugno 2016) della nostra rivista Frenis Zero. Il tema di questo numero è quello della psicoanalisi alle prese con la metodologia "evidence based" (nell'articolo di Jonathan Shedler), con le neuroscienze (in quello di Gerhard Schuessler) e con  l'area della cura alle prese con migranti (negli articoli di Curone e Francesconi e di Scotto Di Fasano). I contributi  di questo numero, che nella loro interezza verranno pubblicati all'interno di libri di futura pubblicazione per le Edizioni Frenis Zero,  possono essere letti a partire dalla pagina del SOMMARIO  http://web.tiscali.it/freniszero ):  




b) "NEUROBIOLOGIA E PSICOTERAPIA" di Gerhard Schuessler; 


c) "QUALE STRANIERO?" di Laura Curone e Marco Francesconi;




Inoltre per la sezione di Psicoanalisi Neuro-Evolutiva, proponiamo:

"TRAUMA E NEUROSCIENZE" di Maria Patrizia Salatiello. Si tratta di un paragrafo tratto dall'ultimo libro pubblicato dalle Edizioni Frenis Zero, "Essere bambini a Gaza. Il trauma infinito" di Maria Patrizia Salatiello.






Maria Patrizia Salatiello, "Essere bambini a Gaza. Il trauma infinito",  Collana "Id-entità Mediterranee",  Frenis Zero   2016,        ISBN 978-88-97479-08-6, € 35,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.




PSYCHOANALYSIS, COLLECTIVE TRAUMAS AND MEMORY PLACES (English edition) (edited by Giuseppe Leo, prefaced by Robert D Hinshelwood) 


Altounian, Bohleber, Deutsch, Halberstadt-Freud, Hinshelwood, Gampel, Janigro, Leo, Papadopoulos, Ritter, Varvin, Wirth, Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas and Memory Places,(English Edition) Collection "Mediterranean                   Id-entities",  Frenis Zero   2015,        ISBN 978-88-97479-09-3, € 35,50.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.






L'UOMO DIETRO AL LETTINO. Charles Rycroft e la psicoanalisi indipendente britannica

di Gabriele Cassullo

Introduzione di Jeremy Holmes 


Gabriele Cassullo, L'uomo dietro al lettino. Charles Rycroft e la psicoanalisi indipendente britannica, Collana "Biografie dell'Inconscio",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2015, pp.350,   ISBN 978-88-97479-07-9, € 29,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è disponibile su Google Books:



 ORDINA Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


Se non volete acquistarlo A PREZZO SCONTATO via internet, il libro è ordinabile nelle librerie  di tutta Italia a prezzo ordinario.




a cura di Giuseppe Leo

prefazione di Alberto Angelini

introduzione di Vlasta Polojaz

post-fazione di Rita Corsa


Vera Schmidt, Scritti su psicoanalisi infantile ed educazione, Collana "Biografie dell'Inconscio",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2014, pp.248,   ISBN 978-88-97479-05-5, € 29,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:



 ORDINA Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


Se non volete acquistarlo A PREZZO SCONTATO via internet, il libro è ordinabile nelle librerie  di tutta Italia a prezzo ordinario.







Scritti di A. Ambrosini, A. Bimbi,  M. Ferri, G. Gabbriellini,  A. Luperini,         S. Resnik, S. Rodighiero,  R. Tancredi,  A. Taquini Resnik, G. Trippi

Il libro raccoglie i testi presentati al convegno L'ascolto nella psicoterapia e nelle relazioni di aiuto, tenutosi a San Miniato (PI) nei giorni 15 e 16 giugno 2012. A quale tipo di Ascolto ci riferiamo nell’ambito della relazione terapeutica? In una prospettiva psicoanalitica l’aspetto più significativo dell’ascolto diventa comprensibile proprio nel momento in cui, nello spazio terapeutico, cominciano a dischiudersi orizzonti conoscitivi rispetto a qualcosa che, se fino a quel momento sembrava non significare niente, progressivamente permette alla coppia analista-paziente di individuare e cogliere dei significati in quell’insieme prima indistinto di messaggi rumorosi e privi di senso. Del resto, siamo costantemente immersi e sommersi in un mondo di voci e suoni, che bombardano il nostro apparato uditivo in modo così martellante che è difficile “fare silenzio” per ascoltare o distinguere ciò che è veramente importante da ciò che è solo contorno, rumore. Talvolta, però, può accadere anche il contrario, dato che noi stessi andiamo alla ricerca del frastuono assordante e indistinto per non confrontarci con la paura e l’angoscia, che sono dentro di noi.

Monica Ferri (a cura di), L'ascolto dei sensi e dei luoghi nella relazione terapeutica, Collana "Confini della Psicoanalisi",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2013, pp.156,   ISBN 978-88-97479-04-8, € 37,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:



 ORDINA Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


Se non volete acquistarlo A PREZZO SCONTATO via internet, il libro è ordinabile nelle librerie  di tutta Italia a prezzo ordinario.






Scritti di V. Calabrese, A. Correale, R. Herold, K. Lenard, G. Leo, S. Melgiovanni, M. A. Minafra, M. Mucci, V. Pellicani, G. Riefolo, G. Rigon, M. Sassolas, G. Scarselli, T. Tenyi, M. Trixler. 

Prefazione di Anna Ferruta.

Questo libro è il terzo volume della collana "Id-entità mediterranee" delle Edizioni Frenis Zero. Il volume, curato da Giuseppe Riefolo e da Giuseppe Leo, raccoglie gli interventi (Leo, Riefolo, Minafra, Scarselli, Calabrese, Pellicani) presentati all'omonimo convegno tenutosi a Lecce il 12 maggio 2012, ed in più altri contributi di eminenti psicoanalisti come Correale, Sassolas, Rigon, Mucci ed altri. La prefazione è di Anna Ferruta. Quattro sono le sezioni del libro: Psicosi, psicoanalisi e riabilitazione; Psicoanalisi e riabilitazione in età evolutiva; Comunità terapeutiche e psicoanalisi; Esperienze dai servizi psichiatrici.

 Giuseppe Leo e Giuseppe Riefolo (a cura di), Psicoanalisi e luoghi della riabilitazione, Collana "Id-entità mediterranee",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2013, pp. 426, ISBN 978-88-903710-9-7, € 39,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:


ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.


 Se non volete acquistarlo via internet,  E' ORDINABILE A PREZZO PIENO IN TUTTE LE LIBRERIE. 




di Silvio G. Cusin



A cura di Ambra Cusin e Giuseppe Leo.           Prefazione di Mauro Bonetti.                        Postfazione di Salomon Resnik.

In occasione dei 90 anni compiuti nel 2012 dallo psicoanalista triestino Silvio G. Cusin, le Edizioni Frenis Zero hanno voluto raccogliere in un volume tutti i suoi scritti più significativi, che spaziano dalla tesi di laurea del 1953 agli ultimi scritti di sessanta anni dopo.

Silvio G. Cusin, Sessualità e conoscenza, a cura di Ambra Cusin e Giuseppe Leo, Collana "Biografie dell'Inconscio",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2013, pp. 476,                 ISBN978-88-97479-03-1, € 39,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

Come ordinarlo con lo SCONTO (SOLO VIA INTERNET): 

 ORDINA Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

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1) dal  CANALE YOU TUBE https://www.youtube.com/user/psicoanalisiEUROPEA

a) INTERVENTO DI FRANCA MAISETTI MAZZEI alla giornata "MEMORIE IN ANALISI" organizzata dalla casa editrice psicoanalitica Frenis Zero a Lecce il 13 febbraio 2016.




b) "ROOM OF TRAUMA": Sandra E. Cohen ha recensito il film di Lenny Abrahamson "Room" (2015). In questa video-recensione (in inglese) si parla di trauma, di abuso, di vergogna e rabbia delle vittime partendo dal film che parla di una ragazza segregata per sette anni insieme al bambino che è nato dalla relazione col suo carceriere. Il testo in italiano della recensione è alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/sheerazade/cohen.htm 




c) "GEZI PARK HERITAGE": Abbiamo voluto commemorare i tre anni delle manifestazioni ad Istanbul di Gezi Park con questo video il cui testo, che offre una lettura psicoanalitica dei fenomeni sociali ad esse collegate, è stato scritto da Bella Habip della Società Psicoanalitica di Parigi.



d) Si è svolto a Roma dal 9 al 12 giugno il 13 congresso dell'Associazione Internazionale per la Psicoanalisi e la Psicoterapia Relazionale  (IARPP). Ecco alcuni momenti di questo interessante convegno.




The 13th IARPP Annual Conference (Rome, June 9-12, 2016) (part 1) from Frenis Zero on Vimeo.


2) NUOVA PAGINA PER I DIECI ANNI DI FRENIS ZERO: abbiamo raccolto l'archivio fotografico degli eventi che in questi 10 anni abbiamo organizzato, con un'indipendenza da case farmaceutiche e con un'attenzione alla formazione psicoterapeutica in senso psicoanalitico. Dalla presentazione di un libro a Bari con Mauro Mancia nel 2005 fino all'ultimo congresso Id-entità Mediterranne ed ai nostri incontri di supervisione. Continueremo ad essere fedeli al motto: "LA FORMAZIONE CONTINUA..." 

Il link della pagina dell'ARCHIVIO FOTOGRAFICO è: 



 3) MAITRES A DISPENSER: il video in due parti della relazione Yoram Yovell dal titolo "Trauma and Repression" (Roma, 7 febbraio 2016) disponibile sul nostro canale You Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/psicoanalisiEUROPEA








 4) Per lo SPAZIO ROSENTHAL (a cura di Laura Felici Montani) abbiamo il piacere di presentare il contributo di Rita Corsa "Perduta nella vasca d'ombre. Amelia Rosselli traduce Sylvia Plath". Link: http://web.tiscali.it/cepsidi/spaziorosenthal.htm 


"PSYCHOANALYSIS AND ITS BORDERS",  G. Leo (ed.), writings by J. Altounian, P. Fonagy, G.O. Gabbard,  J.S. Grotstein,  R.D. Hinshelwood,  J.P. Jiménez, O.F. Kernberg,  S. Resnik. Collection "Borders of Psychoanalysis", Frenis Zero Publisher, Lecce 2012, pp. 348, € 19,00. 

Eight outstanding theoreticians of contemporary psychoanalysis reflect on psychoanalysis and its borders and boundaries between it and adjacent disciplines such as neuroscience, psychiatry, and social sciences. The book celebrates ten years of existence of Frenis Zero psychoanalytic journal.
You can view a video introducing the book in our You Tube Channel ( www.youtube.com/frenis0 )
  To order the book you can click here: amazon.comor here                                                                                   To get a preview of the book click here:  


4) We are glad to announce the issue of the last number (N.26, june 2016) of our journal "Frenis Zero", whose subject is "Research in Psychoanalysis". The table of contents is at url: http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm




5)  Frenis Zero Video Channel http://www.youtube.com/psicoanalisiEUROPEA :


a) "PSYCHOANALYSIS AND PLACES OF SOCIAL TRAUMA": is a video made during the 5th International Congress "Mediterranean Id-entities", held in Lecce on October 22, 2016.




b)"ROOM OF TRAUMA": a video-review of Lenny Abrahamson's film "Room" (2015);



 c) "GEZI PARK HERITAGE" (part I): This is the first part of a video containing a psychoanalytic reflection about Istanbul uprising in 2013. The texts are written by Bella Habip, Member of Psike Istanbul, Member of Société Psychanalytique de Paris. The original paper is here: http://web.tiscali.it/thalassa2010/portolanoBELLA.htm 


6) Review of B. Van Der Kolk's book "The body keeps the score". Link: http://web.tiscali.it/sheerazade/kolkenglish.htm  


7) About IARPP 13th Annual Conference (Rome, June 9-12, 2016) THE ARTS OF TIME RELATIONAL PSYCHOANALYSIS AND FORMS OF VITALITY IN CLINICAL PROCESSwe've posted some videos in our Video Channel http://www.youtube.com/psicoanalisiEUROPEA






The 13th IARPP Annual Conference (Rome, June 9-12, 2016) (part 1) from Frenis Zero on Vimeo.






8) N-Psa Newsletters, New York Psychoanalytic Institute and IPA newsletters area available at the  page http://web.tiscali.it/frenis0/portolanonews.htm  


(source: N-PSA newsletter)




Reconstruction in a two-person world may be more about the present than the past: 
Freud and the Wolf-Man

Presenter: Richard Gottlieb, MD

Discussant:   Harold Blum, MD

Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 8 pm
The Marianne & Nicholas Young Auditorium at
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Ave)

The psychoanalytic process of reconstruction has yet to be re-examined from the perspective of contemporary two-person formulations. In this presentation, Dr. Gottlieb will argue that doing so is not only theoretically valid but also of clinical utility. While some previous observers have implicated the analyst and his emotional involvement as influences that may distort the valid recovery of memories and others have noted that the transference and the reconstructed past are interdependent, still none have noted that reconstructed scenes and narratives may themselves reflect the transference-countertransference engagement of the dyad. These scenes and stories of the inferred past may be versions of the current analytic relationship. Moreover, at times the reconstructed past may reveal more about the warded-off analytic present than the past. While he will illustrate how Freud's Wolf-Man case exemplifies this phenomenon, the more important point is not the historical one but the contemporary clinical utility of this additional perspective, one that suggests that all analysts would do well to reflect on their clinical reconstructions and interrogate them for clues to otherwise elusive aspects of the current clinical relationship.
NYPSI Members and NYPSI Students: FREE
General Admission: $15
Student Admission (non NYPSI): $10
To register, click HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900

Lois Oppenheim, PhD, Scientific Program Chair
Richard M. Gottlieb, M.D. is Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Training and Supervising Analyst of the American Psychoanalytic Association, and recipient of numerous prizes and awards in recognition of his writing and teaching. He has taught Freud's case histories for the past three decades and currently serves as Chair of the Faculty of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute.

Harold P. Blum, M.D. is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Institute for Psychoanalytic Education, Affiliated with New York University School of Medicine and an Honorary Member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute. He is the Former Executive Director of The Sigmund Freud Archives and the author of several books and more than 165 papers. Dr. Blum was the recipient of the inaugural Sigourney Award given by the American Psychoanalytic Association. 

Applying Recent Research in Working Psychoanalytically with Couples

Robin Bryant, Ph.D.
October 31 - November 14, 2016
Mondays, 8:50 - 10:00 pm
3 classes  /  $90
Location: NYPSI (247 East 82nd Street, NYC)
NYPSI Extension Program: Applying Recent Research in Working Psychoanalytically with Couples 
This course will review some of the research conducted by John Gottman, Ph.D. which predicts future relationship stability with 94% accuracy. We will compare the features of a stable relationship with those of relationships of couples who seek couples therapy, through the use of relevant clinical case material provided by the instructor and members of the class. Finally, we will explore a variety of effective interventions which are based on our understanding of psychoanalytic theory. 
Dr. Robin Bryant is a clinical psychologist and certified psychoanalyst trained at NYPSI. She currently serves as a supervisor and clinical instructor in the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program at NYPSI; she has a private practice.
Dissociation, Repression and Splitting in Contrasting Theories of the Unconscious: 
A Clinical Discussion

Marie Rudden, M.D.
Wed., November 2, 2016 at 8 pm
247 East 82nd Street, NYC
No charge. All are welcome.
Register HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900
Works in Progress Seminar: 
Dissociation, Repression and Splitting in Contrasting Theories of the Unconscious: A Clinical Discussion
Dr. Rudden will discuss different ways in which the defenses of splitting, repression and dissociation are conceived within contrasting theories of the unconscious. She offers vignettes from analytic work with patients burdened by significant early traumas in order to illustrate (a) the value brought by different theoretical schools to work with such patients, but also (b) the value of clearly conceptualizing the use of these different defenses during their treatments.
Marie Rudden is a graduate of New York Psychoanalytic Institute and a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Berkshire Psychoanalytic. She is a member of the North American Editorial Board of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis and is presently Co-Chair of the Comparative Clinical Methods Working Party in North America. Dr. Rudden has co-authored a book, Psychodynamic Treatment of Depression, now in its second edition from the American Psychiatric Press, and has been involved in research studies on panic disorder, its co-morbidity with depression, and on Reflective Functioning as a potential measure of change in psychotherapy. Finally, she has written on the function of, and fantasies about, defense withdrawals into private self-states, or "secret cocoons".
No CME or CE credits will be offered.

Works in Progress Seminar
247 East 82nd Street, NY, NY 10028


The Legacy of Sándor Ferenczi: 
From Ghost to Ancestor
An Evening with Adrienne Harris and Steven Kuchuck
November 17, 2016 at 8:00 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
 247 East 82nd Street, NYC

General Admission: $10
This presentation will feature a book edited by Adrienne Harris and Steven Kuchuck --The Legacy of Sándor Ferenczi: From Ghost to Ancestor (Routledge, 2015). The book consists of 17 essays dealing both with the context and history of this seminal and controversial figure in addition to a detailed examination of his many contributions to both theory and technique. The analysis of two of his most famous patients, Clara Thompson and Elisabeth Severn, are very thoroughly and impartially presented.

During this evening, presentations by both Harris and Kuchuk will be followed by a discussion with the audience introduced and moderated by Francis Baudry, M.D.

Praise for The Legacy of Sándor Ferenczi:
"This fine collection of essays, written by clinicians and scholars of diverse backgrounds, honors the memory of Sándor Ferenczi, Sigmund Freud's closest friend and collaborator, whose groundbreaking contributions to the theory and practice of psychoanalysis were scorned and marginalized by many of his contemporaries. The contributors to this volume have adroitly and sensitively demonstrated the relevance of Ferenczi's ideas to current trends in psychoanalytic thinking and are taking a major step toward restoring his legacy to its rightful place in history." - Peter T. Hoffer, Ph. D. Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia; Translator,
The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi
Adrienne Harris, Ph.D. is on the faculty of and a supervisor at both the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California. She is a member and Training Analyst in the IPA and an editor at Psychoanalytic Dialogues and Studies In Gender and Sexuality. In 2009, Dr. Harris, Lewis Aron, and Jeremy Safron established the Sandor Ferenczi Center at New School University. She, Lew Aron, Eyal Rozmaren and Steven Kuchuck co-edit the book series Relational Perspectives in Psychoanalysis, a series with over 70 published volumes. Dr. Harris is a member of the NGO which the IPA developed to work with the UN and she has been doing education and development on the problem of human trafficking. She is an editor of the IPA ejournal psychoanalysistoday.com which is developing cross cultural communications on the topics of violence and migration. Dr. Harris has written on topics in gender and development, analytic subjectivity and self-care, primitive states and the analytic community in the shadow of the First World War. Her current work is on analytic subjectivity, on intersectional models of gender and sexuality, and on ghosts. 

Steven Kuchuck, LCSW: Editor-in-Chief, Psychoanalytic Perspectives; Associate Editor, Routledge Relational Perspectives Book Series; Board member, supervisor, faculty member and Co-Director of Curriculum for adult psychoanalytic training program, National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP); and faculty member/ supervisor at the NIP National Training Program, the Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies, and other institutes. Board;  IARPP, steering committee; 2017 APA Division 39 annual conference.  His writing focuses primarily on the analyst's subjectivity and appears in numerous psychoanalytic journals and books. Contributor/Editor: Clinical Implications of the Psychoanalyst's Life Experience: When the Personal Becomes Professional (Routledge, 2014) and The Legacy of Sándor Ferenczi: From Ghost to Ancestor (co-edited with Adrienne Harris, Routledge, 2015).



Psychoanalytic Principles of 
Child Development

David Sawyer, M.D.
October 24 - November 21, 2016
Mondays, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
5 classes  /  $150
Location: NYPSI (247 East 82nd Street, NYC)
NYPSI Extension Program: Psychoanalytic Principles of Child Development 
This course presents an overview of current psychoanalytic perspectives on child development. The interaction of constitutional factors and environmental influences on the formation of unconscious fantasy and intrapsychic conflict during the sequential stages of development will be emphasized. Clinical examples will be offered to illustrate the concepts being presented.
Dr. David Sawyer is a member of NYPSI and is on the faculty of Weill Cornell-New York Presbyterian Hospital.



Saturday, December 3, 2016 at 10 am
 The Marianne & Nicholas Young Auditorium
 247 E. 82nd Street, NYC
Free and open to the public 
RSVP is appreciated but not required; first come, first-seated
To register, click HERE, visit nypsi.org, or call 212.879.6900

The neurobiology of mature emotional processing develops slowly over childhood and adolescence. This talk will focus on the development of the human amygdala, a neural structure involved in emotional attention and learning, and the medial prefrontal cortex, which provides important signals for regulating strong emotions. Parents have a large influence on children's emotions. Across various scientific perspectives (including ethological/attachment theories, psychoanalytic, and parenting styles), researchers and theorists have noted the special relationship between parent and child and the influence this relationship has on children's emotional development. This talk will address how parents influence amygdala and prefrontal cortex development. I will present findings from both typically-raised children as well as in a population of children who experienced early parental deprivation in the form of orphanage care. Our findings suggest that parenting in childhood is associated with emotional functioning in adulthood because of the influence of parents on amygdala-prefrontal circuitry.

Nim Tottenham, Ph.D. is a Developmental Affective Neuroscientist researching the development of the neurobiology associated with mature emotion regulation in humans. Her research has highlighted fundamental changes in amygdala-prefrontal cortex circuitry across childhood and adolescence and the powerful role that early experiences, such as caregiving, have on the developmental trajectories of these circuits. Her research uses fMRI, behavioral, and physiological methods to examine human limbic-cortical development in children and adolescents as well as their parents. She has authored over 70 journal articles and book chapters. She is a frequent lecturer both nationally and internationally on human brain development and emotional development. She provides service to numerous scientific communities including the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, Society for Social Neuroscience, Society for Research in Child Development, and the Flux Congress. She is a recipient of the NIMH Biobehavioral Research Awards for Innovative New Scientists (BRAINS) Award, the American Psychological Association's Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology, and the Developmental Science Early Career Researcher Prize.

2 CME/CE credits offered
Helping Parents with Children who Experience Behavioral Difficulties with Leon Hoffman, M.D.
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute's Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis division continues the "Dialogues on..." Series with 
leading child development experts:
 Helping Parents with Children who Experience Behavioral Difficulties

Leon Hoffman, M.D.
December 14, 2016, 8:00 - 9:30 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC
All behavior has meaning. Children with behavior problems do not have sufficient internal strength to tolerate the pain and anxiety of disturbing emotional states. Disruptive behavior masks unpleasant emotion. In this talk, we will talk about how to try to understand which emotions are being avoided and help caregivers understand why that emotion is being avoided in a maladaptive way.
Dr. Leon Hoffman is a Psychiatrist and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist; Training and Supervising Analyst in adult, child, and adolescent analysis, Director of the Pacella Parent Child Center and co-Director, Pacella Research Center at NYPSI (New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute); faculty at the Icahn Medical School at Mount Sinai; Chief Psychiatrist, West End Day School in NYC; Co-Chair, Committee on Research education (CORE) of the American Psychoanalytic Association. He has long experience in the practice of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Over the last 15-20 years he has become very active in the systematic empirical study of basic psychological constructs as well as the systematic empirical study of psychological treatments, especially with children. The development of the Manual for Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children with Externalizing Behaviors (RFP-C), co-written with Timothy Rice and with Tracy Prout, presents, in a systematic fashion, his long clinical experience approaching children and their families with difficult problems. 


Thursdays, 1/19, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18/17, 8:00 - 9:30 PM
Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychotherapy: Similarities and Differences

Instructor: Francis Baudry, M.D. 

This course will explore the topic of psychoanalysis and dynamic psychotherapy and their similarities and differences along both theoretical and clinical venues. Clinical material will be provided and participants will be encouraged to bring their own cases for discussion. Location to be announced.

















Special number about "Female analysts in Mediterranean scenarios: civil rights and psychoanalytic reflexion", Frenis Zero, n.21, January 2014:

Editorial by Laura Felici Montani & Ambra Cusin.

Bella Habip, <<Letter from Istanbul>>.

Ambra Cusin & Franca Amione, <<Bion and the myth>>.

 (to read the paper click on the below link)

url: http://web.tiscali.it/frenis0/portolanonews.htm  







Janine Altounian (Parigi), Leonardo Ancona (Roma), Brenno Boccadoro (Ginevra),  Mario Colucci (Trieste), Lidia De Rita (Bari), Santa Fizzarotti Selvaggi (Bari), Patrizia Guarnieri (Firenze), Robert Hinshelwood (Londra), René Kaes (Lione), Otto Kernberg (New York), Massimo Maisetti (Milano), Lidia Marigonda (Venezia), Predrag Matvejevic' (Zagabria), Franca Maisetti Mazzei (Milano), Laura Montani (Roma), Marie Rose Moro (Parigi), Salomon Resnik (Parigi), Mario Rossi Monti (Firenze), Mario Scarcella (Messina).



Le illustrazioni contenute in questa  Newsletter sono tratte da:  "From Neurology to Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud's Neurological Drawings and Diagrams of the Mind" di Lynn Gamwell and Mark Solms.

La prossima newsletter verrà  inviata nel mese di Dicembre 2016. 

Cordiali saluti..


  La prochaine newsletter sera envoyée à  Décembre 2016. Cordiales salutations.



  The next newsletter is on December 2016.Best regards. .





Giuseppe Leo

Direttore Responsabile (Editor) rivista di psicoanalisi applicata Frenis Zero









email: assepsi@virgilio.it      website: web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm (Journal)  web.tiscali.it/cepsidi (Publisher)


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