Rivista di Psicoanalisi applicata FRENIS Zero

Iscrizione n. 978 Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Lecce

ISSN: 2037-1853

Direttore Responsabile: dott. Giuseppe Domenico LEO

Sede redazionale: Centro Psicoterapia Dinamica "M. Mancia"- via Lombardia, 18 - 73100 Lecce

 e-mail: assepsi@virgilio.it

url:  web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm  

Edizioni Frenis Zero (Publisher) web.tiscali.it/cepsidi (Eng.) http://web.tiscali.it/hermann1889/frenisEdizioni.htm(Ita)                                                                                March Mars Marzo 2018



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Dagli articoli del penultimo numero della rivista di psicoanalisi Frenis Zero (giugno 2017, n.28) è uscito l'ultimo libro delle nostre edizioni per il momento in inglese e prossimamente in italiano. Gli autori sono Sverre Varvin (Norvegia), di Linden West (Regno Unito),  Lene Auestad (Norvegia-Regno Unito), e   Werner Bohleber (Germania).La prefazione è di Vamik D. Volkan (professore emerito di psichiatria all'Università della Virginia) e il curatore è Giuseppe Leo.  Il libro è acquistabile su Amazon: amazon.com


Un'anteprima limitata è disponibile su Books.Google.com:  





Il prossimo numero monografico della rivista psicoanalitica on-line Frenis Zero (n.29, gennaio 2018) riguarderà il tema "ENACTMENT IN PSICOTERAPIA". Gli articoli sono già on-line e il sommario è all'indirizzo: http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenisnews.htm :


1) "ALLEANZE, ROTTURE, IMPASSE ED ENACTMENT: UNA PROSPETTIVA RELAZIONALE" di Jeremy Safran e Jessica Kraus. E' il titolo del nuovo articolo (disponibile all'indirizzo http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/safran.htm ) che esplora queste dimensioni inevitabili nella psicoterapia. Un crescente corpus di conoscenze suggerische che la riparazione di tali rotture dell'alleanza terapeutica si correla con un esito positivo della terapia (Safran, Muran, Eubanks-Carter, 2011) . Il programma di ricerca del gruppo di Safran alla New School for Social Research (New York) ha portato allo sviluppo di una metodica di formazione dei terapeuti che migliori le loro capacità di individuare tali fenomeni e quindi di elaborarli in modo costruttivo  (Safran et al., 2014). Questo articolo delinea aspetti teorici, principi di intervento e scoperte empiriche. L'articolo nella sua totalità verrà pubblicato in un prossimo libro delle Edizioni Frenis Zero dedicato a tali tematiche.


2) "IL POTERE EMPATICO DEGLI ENACTMENT" di Efrat Ginot. E' il titolo del nuovo articolo (disponibile all'indirizzo http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/ginotENACTMENT.htm ). L'autrice, psicoanalista a New York, dove insegna all'Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, dimostra che, nonostante l'apparente incongruità con cui vengono messi tra loro in relazione i concetti di enactment e di empatia, le osservazioni cliniche e l'attuale ricerca neurobiologica stanno fornendo nuove modalità per esaminare questi due processi intersoggettivi e quindi ci permettono di ampliare la nostra comprensione di importanti aspetti empatici che si annidano negli enactment. Esplorando la comunicazione interpersonale, le neuroscienze hanno cominciato a delineare i processi neuropsicologici che modellano e sottostanno sia agli enactment che all'empatia terapeutica, chiarendo quali meccanismi hanno in comune. Di particolare interesse sono le scoperte relative ai neuroni specchio ed alla sensibilità del cervello destro agli aspetti non verbali della comunicazione emotiva. Esse hanno fatto progredire enormemente la nostra comprensione della onnipresente comunicazione non conscia tra le persone e le sue ovvie implicazioni per la inevitabilità degli enactment all'interno della diade psicoanalitica. Permettendo ai pattern impliciti relazionali ed emotivi di essere appieno sperimentati all'interno del processo analitico, l'enactment rende entrambi i partecipanti, e specie l'analista, capaci di raggiungere una connessione immediata tra di loro, che non può essere verbalizzata ancora, una connessione che essenzialmente costruisce una risonanza empatica.


3) l'articolo di Jay Greenberg "LA PARTECIPAZIONE DELL'ANALISTA" disponibile al link http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/greenberg.htm L'autore, dopo aver esaminato una serie di "peccati originali" del movimento psicoanalitico (ad es. la tendenza a fare di un'intuizione, di un'idea isolata un sistema onnicomprensivo che crea movimenti contro altri movimenti) si concentra sugli sviluppi più attuali dell'approccio relazionale esaminando le sue posizioni ma anche i suoi dubbi su alcuni atteggiamenti di terapeuti <<di assumersi dei rischi, di coinvolgersi coi pazienti in modo molto personale, tutte cose che rappresentano una rottura con il tradizionale setting analitico>>.





Alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/ladyBIRD.htm potete leggere una recensione di Sandra E. Cohen del film di  "LADY BIRD"(2017) di Greta Gerwig



Alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/nomeDIdonna.htm la recensione del film "Nome di donna" (2018) di Marco Tullio Giordana





Alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/neri.htm potete leggere l'articolo di Claudio Neri "Aspetti vitali della vergogna"





Nello "Spazio Rosenthal" dedicato alla riflessione psicoanalitica su femminile e curato da Laura Felici Montani il contributo di Melissa Farley "#MeToo deve includere la prostituzione". Si può leggere al link: http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/farleyITA.htm 




Alla pagina http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/mecacci.htm la segnalazione del libro di Luciano Mecacci "Lev Vygotskij. Sviluppo, educazione e patologia della mente"(2017).





Alla scomparsa il 13 marzo 2018 di Berry T. Brazelton, uno dei pionieri dell'"Infant Research", dedichiamo un lavoro di prossima traduzione in italiano: "Touchpoints: percezione e soddisfazione di genitori ed infermiere" che si può leggere al link http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/brazelton.htm 




 Il 21 aprile 2018 nella nostra sede del Centro di Psicoterapia Dinamica "Mauro Mancia" (via Lombardia, n.18 - Lecce) si terrà il 12° Corso di supervisione psicoanalitica in gruppo con il dott. Giuseppe Riefolo (psicoanalista SPI, psichiatra ASL ROma/E) per cui sono stati richiesti n.10 crediti ECM nazionali.. Dato il numero di posti limitato, per info ed iscrizioni si prega di inviare una email all'indirizzo assepsi@virgilio.it 











S. Araùjo Cabral,  L. Curone,  M. Francesconi,  L. Frattini, S. Impagliazzo, D. Centenaro Levandowski, G. Magnani, M. Manetti, C. Marangio,  G. A. Marra e Rosa, M. Martelli, M. R. Moro,  R. K. Papadopoulos, A. Pellicciari,  G. Rigon, D. Scotto di Fasano, E. Zini, A. Zunino, Psicoanalisi, luoghi della resilienza ed immigrazione, Collana "Id-entità Mediterranee", Frenis Zero   2017, ISBN 978-88-97479-11-6, € 39,00,  pagine 372. 



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"PSICOANALISI IN TERRA SANTA" a cura di A. Cusin e G. Leo


H. Abramovitch,  A. Cusin, M. Dwairy, A. Lotem, M. Mansur, M. P. Salatiello, "Psicoanalisi in Terra Santa",  prefazione di Anna Sabatini Scalmati, Postfazione di Christoph U. Schminck-Gustavus, Note di Nader Akkad, Collana "Id-entità Mediterranee",  Frenis Zero   2017, ISBN 978-88-97479-12-3, € 29,00 (rilegatura rigida), euro 20,00 (rilegatura economica). 

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Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:



PSICOLOGIA DELL'ANTISEMITISMO (2.a edizione) di Imre Hermann



Imre Hermann, "Psicologia dell'antisemitismo",  a cura di Giuseppe Leo, Collana "Cordoglio e Pregiudizio",  Frenis Zero 2017, ISBN 978-88-97479-10-9, € 18,00. 

 ORDINASupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.







Maria Patrizia Salatiello, "Essere bambini a Gaza. Il trauma infinito",  Collana "Id-entità Mediterranee",  Frenis Zero   2016,        ISBN 978-88-97479-08-6, € 35,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

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PSYCHOANALYSIS, COLLECTIVE TRAUMAS AND MEMORY PLACES (English edition) (edited by Giuseppe Leo, prefaced by Robert D Hinshelwood) 


Altounian, Bohleber, Deutsch, Halberstadt-Freud, Hinshelwood, Gampel, Janigro, Leo, Papadopoulos, Ritter, Varvin, Wirth, Psychoanalysis, Collective Traumas and Memory Places,(English Edition) Collection "Mediterranean                   Id-entities",  Frenis Zero   2015,        ISBN 978-88-97479-09-3, € 35,50.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

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L'UOMO DIETRO AL LETTINO. Charles Rycroft e la psicoanalisi indipendente britannica

di Gabriele Cassullo

Introduzione di Jeremy Holmes 


Gabriele Cassullo, L'uomo dietro al lettino. Charles Rycroft e la psicoanalisi indipendente britannica, Collana "Biografie dell'Inconscio",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2015, pp.350,   ISBN 978-88-97479-07-9, € 29,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è disponibile su Google Books:



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Se non volete acquistarlo A PREZZO SCONTATO via internet, il libro è ordinabile nelle librerie  di tutta Italia a prezzo ordinario.




a cura di Giuseppe Leo

prefazione di Alberto Angelini

introduzione di Vlasta Polojaz

post-fazione di Rita Corsa


Vera Schmidt, Scritti su psicoanalisi infantile ed educazione, Collana "Biografie dell'Inconscio",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2014, pp.248,   ISBN 978-88-97479-05-5, € 29,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:



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Se non volete acquistarlo A PREZZO SCONTATO via internet, il libro è ordinabile nelle librerie  di tutta Italia a prezzo ordinario.







Scritti di A. Ambrosini, A. Bimbi,  M. Ferri, G. Gabbriellini,  A. Luperini,         S. Resnik, S. Rodighiero,  R. Tancredi,  A. Taquini Resnik, G. Trippi

Il libro raccoglie i testi presentati al convegno L'ascolto nella psicoterapia e nelle relazioni di aiuto, tenutosi a San Miniato (PI) nei giorni 15 e 16 giugno 2012. A quale tipo di Ascolto ci riferiamo nell’ambito della relazione terapeutica? In una prospettiva psicoanalitica l’aspetto più significativo dell’ascolto diventa comprensibile proprio nel momento in cui, nello spazio terapeutico, cominciano a dischiudersi orizzonti conoscitivi rispetto a qualcosa che, se fino a quel momento sembrava non significare niente, progressivamente permette alla coppia analista-paziente di individuare e cogliere dei significati in quell’insieme prima indistinto di messaggi rumorosi e privi di senso. Del resto, siamo costantemente immersi e sommersi in un mondo di voci e suoni, che bombardano il nostro apparato uditivo in modo così martellante che è difficile “fare silenzio” per ascoltare o distinguere ciò che è veramente importante da ciò che è solo contorno, rumore. Talvolta, però, può accadere anche il contrario, dato che noi stessi andiamo alla ricerca del frastuono assordante e indistinto per non confrontarci con la paura e l’angoscia, che sono dentro di noi.

Monica Ferri (a cura di), L'ascolto dei sensi e dei luoghi nella relazione terapeutica, Collana "Confini della Psicoanalisi",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2013, pp.156,   ISBN 978-88-97479-04-8, € 37,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:



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Se non volete acquistarlo A PREZZO SCONTATO via internet, il libro è ordinabile nelle librerie  di tutta Italia a prezzo ordinario.






Scritti di V. Calabrese, A. Correale, R. Herold, K. Lenard, G. Leo, S. Melgiovanni, M. A. Minafra, M. Mucci, V. Pellicani, G. Riefolo, G. Rigon, M. Sassolas, G. Scarselli, T. Tenyi, M. Trixler. 

Prefazione di Anna Ferruta.

Questo libro è il terzo volume della collana "Id-entità mediterranee" delle Edizioni Frenis Zero. Il volume, curato da Giuseppe Riefolo e da Giuseppe Leo, raccoglie gli interventi (Leo, Riefolo, Minafra, Scarselli, Calabrese, Pellicani) presentati all'omonimo convegno tenutosi a Lecce il 12 maggio 2012, ed in più altri contributi di eminenti psicoanalisti come Correale, Sassolas, Rigon, Mucci ed altri. La prefazione è di Anna Ferruta. Quattro sono le sezioni del libro: Psicosi, psicoanalisi e riabilitazione; Psicoanalisi e riabilitazione in età evolutiva; Comunità terapeutiche e psicoanalisi; Esperienze dai servizi psichiatrici.

 Giuseppe Leo e Giuseppe Riefolo (a cura di), Psicoanalisi e luoghi della riabilitazione, Collana "Id-entità mediterranee",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2013, pp. 426, ISBN 978-88-903710-9-7, € 39,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:


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 Se non volete acquistarlo via internet,  E' ORDINABILE A PREZZO PIENO IN TUTTE LE LIBRERIE. 




di Silvio G. Cusin



A cura di Ambra Cusin e Giuseppe Leo.           Prefazione di Mauro Bonetti.                        Postfazione di Salomon Resnik.

In occasione dei 90 anni compiuti nel 2012 dallo psicoanalista triestino Silvio G. Cusin, le Edizioni Frenis Zero hanno voluto raccogliere in un volume tutti i suoi scritti più significativi, che spaziano dalla tesi di laurea del 1953 agli ultimi scritti di sessanta anni dopo.

Silvio G. Cusin, Sessualità e conoscenza, a cura di Ambra Cusin e Giuseppe Leo, Collana "Biografie dell'Inconscio",  Edizioni Frenis Zero, Lecce 2013, pp. 476,                 ISBN978-88-97479-03-1, € 39,00.

Un'anteprima limitata del libro è presente su Google Books:

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"ANXIETY" di Joseph LeDoux (Roma, 10 febbraio 2018)




alla pagina dei congressi ( http://web.tiscali.it/cepsidi/congressi.htm ) potete trovare gli annunci dei corsi ECM (attinenti alla psicoterapia psicoanalitica), ma anche di altri eventi formativi non ECM. La frammentazione regionale degli accreditamenti ECM fa sì che rispetto agli anni precedenti non si possa avere facilmente un quadro nazionale di tutti gli eventi ECM. Pertanto vi invitiamo a segnalarceli.

In particolare vi segnaliamo: 


a)  a Milano l'Associazione Studi Psicoanalitici (ASP) organizza dal 20.01 al 29.09.2018 il corso "Gruppo clinico. Menti Corpi analitici a confronto" con n.19,2 crediti ECM. Info: segreteria.asp@hotmail.it ;


b) a Firenze dal 17 al 20 ottobre 2018 il "XX International Forum of Psychoanalysis". Info: http://www.ifps-forum2018.com/ 


c) a Firenze l'Associazione Martha Harris organizza dal 20 gennaio al 13 ottobre 2018 il corso "Esplorazione degli spazi mentali dell'adolescente di oggi" con n.45 crediti ECM. Info: lina@lopezcongressi.it ;

d) a Bologna  la rivista Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane organizza i seminari dal 20 gennaio al 17 marzo 2018 con n. 17,7 crediti ECM. Info: p.pinciroli@projcom.it  

e) a Catania la serie di seminari dal 9 marzo al 29 giugno 2018 "Il senso del limite: aspetti intrapsichici e relazionali" con n. 30 crediti ECM. Info: info@paroleimmagini.it  ; 

f) a Venezia il CISPP organizza il ciclo di incontri "Dolore e memoria trasformazioni vitali" con il seguente calendario:

14 aprile 2018 Anne Alvarez "Il futuro perfetto: riflessioni sul senso di anticipazione nei bambini normali e nella terapia analitica";

26 maggio Antonello Correale "Le trasformazioni".

Per info: cispp@libero.it http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/cispp.htm 

g) a Bologna il Centro Psicoanalitico di Bologna organizza dal 25 gennaio al 14 dicembre 2018 il ciclo di seminari "La deperibilità della funzione analitica" con n.35 crediti ECM. Info: segreteria@innovery.net ;

h) a Milano l'Associazione Studi Psicoanalitici organizza dal 27 gennaio al 24 novembre 2018 il corso "Gruppo Psicoanalitico Contenitori Contenuti" con n.24 crediti ECM. Info: segreteria.asp@hotmail.it ;

i) a Venezia dal 27 gennaio al 12 maggio 2018 si terrà il corso "Le nuove configurazioni famigliari: famiglie disgregate e ricostituite, famiglie affidatarie, multietniche e omoparentali" con n.21,6 crediti ECM. Prevista la partecipazione degli psicoanalisti Corrado Pontalti, Dora Sullam, Caterina Ballardin, Michael e Margaret Rustin, Tiziana Bastianini, Adelaide Calabrese. Info: lingomed@messaggipec.it ;

j) a Padova il 20 aprile il convegno "Il lavoro clinico con gli adolescenti difficili" con Gustavo Pietropolli Charmet. Info: info@targetmotivation.it  

k) a Milano l'Associazione Studi Psicoanalitici organizza dal 20 febbraio al 18 dicembre 2018 il corso "Gruppo ASP Bambini e adolescenti: una prospettiva psicoanalitica" con n.32 crediti ECM. Info: segreteria.aso@hotmail.it ;

l) a Roma l'Associazione Italiana di Psicoanalisi organizza dal 25 febbraio al 16 dicembre il corso "Il contributo psicoanalitico alla comprensione e al trattamento dei casi gravi" con n.21,6 crediti ECM. Info: coop@ideaprisma.it ;

m) a  Roma l'ARPAD organizza dal 17 marzo al 16 giugno 2018 il corso in Gruppalità e Adolescenza con n.32 crediti ECM. Info: ecm@e-comitaly.it ;

n) a Bologna il Centro Psicoanalitico di Bologna organizza i seminari "Infanzia, Adolescenza, Genitorialità" dal 10 marzo al 21 aprile 2018 con n.10 crediti ECM. Tra i relatori Serge Tisseron che il 17 marzo presenterà una relazione dal titolo "La culture des écrans: nouvelle normalité et nouvelles pathologies". Info: segreteria@innovery.net ;

o) A Savona il 14 e 15 aprile l'associazione Choros organizza il seminario ECM "Il cervello artista: esperienza estetica tra neuroscienze e psicoanalisi" con Roberto Boccalon. Crediti ECM: 19,2. Info: e.varaldo@varaldo.it  ;

p) a Chieti dal 17 marzo al 20 ottobre 2018 il corso "La clinica psicoanalitica Dal sogno alla dimensione onirica della mente" con n.27,3 crediti ECM. Info: info@qibli.it ;

q) a Catania dal 14 aprile al 19 ottobre il ciclo di seminari "Quando il corpo parla..." Info: segreteria@associazionesinapsy.it  ;

r) a Gallarate il corso di formazione alle relazioni terapeutiche organizzato da Il Ruolo Terapeutico dal 23 febbraio al 14 dicembre 2018 con n.46,4 crediti ECM. Info: ilruoloterapeutico@fastwebnet.it ;

s) A Milano dal 24 marzo al 27 ottobre il ciclo di Seminari clinico teorici col dott. Correale, organizzato dall'ASP, con n.19,6 crediti ECM. Info: segreteria.asp@hotmail.it ;

t) a Padova il 14 aprile  il Centro veneto di Psicoanalisi organizza la giornata ECM "Melanconia, lutto e disperazione nel bambino e nell'adolescente" con Anne Alvarez . Info: nfo@performat.it 

u) a Roma la SIPSIA organizza dal 12 aprile al 4 ottobre il ciclo di seminari  ECM "Costruzione dell'identità: confini e sconfinamenti nella famiglia e nella società" con N.7 crediti ECM. 

v) a Bologna dal 7 al 9 aprile il Training DBT Adolescenti con Alec Miller e Charles R. Swenson con n.14,7 crediti ECM. Info: fullday@pec.fullday.com 

w) a Bergamo dal 24 marzo al 16 giugno il ciclo dii seminari "Adolescenze sospese".

x) a Milano il 9 giugno il Centro Milanese di Psicoanalisi "Cesare Musatti" organizza la giornata  "Interpretare. Parola, Voce, Trasform/azione" con la partecipazione dello scrittore Tim Parks. Info: segreteria@cmp-spiweb.it 

y) a Milano dal 5 al 6 maggio "Transference Focused Psychotherapy in Adolescenza". Info: tfpitalia2017@gmail.com 

z) a Ischia dal 4 al 5 maggio 2018 si terranno le giornate scientifiche "I luoghi inesplorati della Gruppoanalisi Transculturale". Info: http://www.eatga.net/ 














Imre Hermann


a cura di Giuseppe Leo

Edizioni Frenis Zero - collana CORDOGLIO E PREGIUDIZIO - 2017 - pagg. 158 - € 18,00





Nel 1945, all'indomani della Liberazione, Imre Hermann (1889-1984), psicoanalista ungherese, diede alle stampe "Psicologia dell'antisemitismo". Ma quando il libro fu scritto, tra il 1943 e il 1944, non erano ancora iniziate le deportazioni di massa degli ebrei ungheresi. E Hermann non poteva conoscere altro che l'antisemitismo "nei limiti della ragione", quello che ancora non si era spinto fino agli orrori dei campi di sterminio e della "soluzione finale". Le Edizioni Frenis Zero pubblicano la prima versione italiana di questo classico in cui psicoanalisi e scienze sociali dialogano in un tentativo di Aufklarung di ciò che continuerà  per le generazioni future ad essere impensabile ed indicibile: il pregiudizio sociale e la persecuzione di massa contro gli Ebrei.













E'  consultabile sul sito internet della rivista di psicoanalisi "Frenis Zero" (link: http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm ) il numero 29 (anno 15, gennaio 2018), numero semestrale monografico intitolato "Enactment in Psicoanalisi".  








INDICE N.29, anno XV, gennaio 2018 















    Newsletter en français: notre newsletter (A.S.S.E.Psi. NEWS) sera envoyée à  tous qui en demanderont (le formulaire est à  la page web : 

http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/mail.htm  ).   

1)      Article par Aviva Cohen "SALOMON RESNIK: UN PARCOURS SINGULIER", à l'occasion de la mort le 16 février 2017 du psychiatre et psychanalyste franco-argentin .    à lire à partir du lien http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/cohenRESNIKfr.htm .

2)    Au lien de Frenis Zero (http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm) Vous pouvez lire le sommaire du Numéro 29, an 15 (janvier 2018) de notre journal, dédié au sujet de <<Enactment en Psychanalyse>> (articles en italien). 


3)   Annonce:

Association Européenne d’Analyse Transculturelle de Groupe Journées Scientifiques Giardini La Mortella – Ischia (NA) - Italie 

Vendredi 4 et Samedi 5 mai 2018 

Les lieux inexplorés de l’Analyse Transculturelle de Groupe entre grands groupes multiculturels, catastrophes et nouvelles subjectivités


Les journées scientifiques d'Ischia veulent explorer des pistes peu battues de la Clinique groupanalytique, c'est-à-dire lorsque le groupe, lieu de formation et de transformation d'une réalité psychique autrement inaccessible, devient le lieu privilégié, dans lequel l’on structure un appareil psychique groupal partagé et ouvert sur les espaces intersubjectives au-delà des appartenances, des langues et des cultures de provenance des singularités. Certes, actuellement la situation politique et sociale de l'Europe depuis la fondation de l'AEATG a considérablement changée et nous tous sommes confrontés à des défis de plus en plus délicats et complexes. Quels sont, par exemple, les processus de formation de l'inconscient dans la rencontre interculturelle? Comment penser analytiquement à ce qui se joue entre les langues au niveau intrapsychique et interpsychique dans un groupe multiculturel? Quelles sont les vicissitudes de l'identité si le « je » est et reste le cadre géographique de l'autre? Au-delà de la nécessité de produire une nouvelle métapsychologie (Kaës), il semble maintenant nécessaire de la cartographier (Preta), en constituant, à partir des logia passionnelles des peuples dans leurs idiomes (Benslama), une possible géographie des métapsychologies, en passant à travers la clinique de l'exil, de la douleur, de la souffrance et de nouveaux cadres sociaux (Amati Sas), en vivant en intimité avec l'horreur (De Micco), en assistant effrayés à un exode d'humanité qui assume souvent la caractéristique d'un holocauste sans nom, en donnant enfin sur une mer qui semble être devenue un grand cimetière, une réalité spectrale avec laquelle, que nous le voulions ou non, il faut se confronter ... Celles d'Ischia sont des Journées Scientifiques de Fondation et comme l'île qui les reçoit elles veulent être un espace ouvert aux abordages des différentes sciences de l'homme et exposé au contact, aux contaminations, aux hybridations, aux processus de transculturation. Le débarquement est prévu le 4 mai 2018. Nous partagerons des séances plénières, des tables rondes, des groupes expérientiels, des ateliers thématiques pour explorer ensemble les territoires inconnus qui nous accueillent (ou nous rejettent). Les explorations seront guidées par des experts conférenciers. L'attention sera tournée vers une réélaboration dramatisée de l'accueil de ceux qui aborderont sur l'île, l'ancienne Phitecusae, une très belle île au centre de la Méditerranée considérée comme la plus ancienne colonie grecque en Occident, dont la fondation remonte à la première moitié du VIIIe siècle avant JC (ca. 775 JC) et où nous essaierons de méditerranéiser la pensée groupale en termes transculturels… 

Comité scientifique: René Kaës (president), Silvia Amati Sas (Trieste), Giovanna Cantarella (Milan), Ugo Corino (Torino), Virginia De Micco (Caserta), Claudio Neri (Roma), Jean Pierre Pinel (Parigi), Philippe Robert (Parigi), Giuseppe Ruvolo (Palermo), Ruth Waldvogel (Basel). 

Comité d’organisation: Antonino Aprea (COIRAG), Anna Checchi (Milan), Antonio d’Angiò (président – Naples), Silvana Koen (Milan), Jaak Le Roy (Bruxelles), Alessandra Manzoni (Milan), Marlene Spero (London), Christoph Rosenberger (Berlin), Claudine Vacheret (Lyon). 

 Info: http://www.eatga.net/ 



4)  Annonce:



5). Les Editions Frenis Zero annoncent la publication du livre :




Sous la direction de Laura Montani et Giuseppe Leo

écrits par : A. Cusin, J. Kristeva, A. Loncan, S. Marino, B. Massimilla, L. Montani, A. Nunziante Cesaro, S. Parrello, M. Sommantico, G. Stanziano, L. Tarantini, A. Zurolo.

Pour voire un video de présentation du livre, accédez au lien www.youtube.com/frenis0 



Collection: Confini della psicoanalisi

Langue: italien

Année de publication: 2012

ISBN: 978-88-903710-6-6

Pages: 382

Prix: € 39,00

Le livre, né de l'"Espace Rosenthal", édité par Laura Montani dans la revue psychanalytique Frenis Zero, propose des travaux de réflexion psychanalytique sur le féminin. Le livre, après la préface de Laura Montani, se compose de cinq sections. La section LA TRANSMISSION DU FEMININ comprend les textes de Anne Loncan, de Simona Marino, de Adele Nunziante Cesaro et de Giuseppe Stanziano, et de Anna Zurolo. La section LE DESIR FEMININ DANS LE DISCOURS PSYCHANALYTIQUE compte deux textes de Laura  Montani.  La section  MATERNITE'  ET FEMININ comprend les textes de Julia Kristeva, Barbara Massimilla, Santa Parrello, et Massimiliano Sommantico. La section  CINEMA ET  FEMININ  recueille  un travail de  Laura  Montani et  une interview de  Barbara  Massimilla  à  Francesca  Comencini.  Enfin,  la section TRAUMATISMES  SOCIAUX ET FEMININ  recueille deux textes de Ambra  Cusin et de  Lidia  Tarantini.

Une aperçu est  disponible sur Google Books:


Pour commander le livre:  cliquez  ou amazon.com



6)       Les Editions Frenis Zero annoncent la publication du livre :



PSICOANALISI E LUOGHI DELLA NEGAZIONE                                                                                    Sous la direction de Ambra Cusin et Giuseppe Leo

Préface: Ambra Cusin

écrits par : J. Altounian, S. Amati Sas, M. & M. Avakian, A. Cusin, G., N. Janigro, G. Leo, B.E. Litowitz, S. Resnik, A. Sabatini Scalmati, G. Schneider, M. Šebek, F. Sironi, L. Tarantini.  


Psicoanalisi e luoghi della negazione


Collection: Id-entità  mediterranee

Langue: italien

Année de publication: 2011

ISBN : 978-88-903710-4-2

Pages : 400

Prix : 38.00


La publication de ce livre a été inspirée des thémes discutés dans le colloque homonyme, organisé par le journal de psychanalyse Frenis Zero à  Lecce (Italie) le 30 Octobre 2010. 


Ce livre s’articule sur quatre sections. Après une préface de Ambra Cusin, la première section concerne la négation et le déni dans l'histoire de la psychanalyse et dans ses rapports avec les neurosciences et la linguistique (travaux de Leo et de Litowitz). La deuxième concerne la négation et l'omerta à l'interieur du champ analytique comme de celui institutionnel (contributions de Resnik et de Cusin). La troisième concerne la négation et l'idéologie, et en particulier la négation  du génocide en psychanalyse (travaux de Altounian, Avakian, Šebek, Schneider, Sabatini Scalmati),  tandis que la quatrième  concerne  l'ambiguité, les traumatismes collectifs et la transculturalité dans une perspective groupale (contribution de Amati Sas, Janigro, Sironi et Tarantini).


Pour commander le livre:  cliquez amazon.com ou http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/edizionifreniszero

Pour voire une anteprima (par Google Books ):                            cliquez ici




7)       Les Editions Frenis Zero annoncent la publication du livre :





Sous la direction de Giuseppe Leo

Préface: Nicole Janigro

écrits par : J. Altounian, S. Amati Sas, M. Avakian, W. Bohleber, M.

Breccia, A. Coen, A. Cusin, G. Dana, J. Deutsch, S. Fizzarotti Selvaggi,

Y. Gampel, H. Halberstadt-Freud, N. Janigro, R. Kaës, G. Leo, M.

Maisetti, F. Mazzei, M. Ritter, C. Trono, S. Varvin, H.-J. Wirth

Collection: Id-entità  mediterranee

Langue: italien

Année de publication: 2010

ISBN : 978-88-903710-2-8

Pages : 520

Prix : 41.00


La publication de ce livre a été inspirée des thémes discutés dans le colloque

homonyme, organisé par le journal de psychanalyse Frenis Zero à  Lecce (Italie) le 5 avril 2008, pour les étendre par la contribution d'éminents psychanalystes, qui ont mis à  disposition leurs écrits, et inaugurer un projet d'édition et une collection de livres qui voudraient mettre la

psychanalyse et l' histoire de la Méditerranée aux deux poles d une réflexion à  la

frontière entre psychologie et sociologie, entre psychothérapie des individus et des

groupes et clinique des psychopathologies sociaux. Le livre est divisé en plusieurs

sections thématiques. Après la préface de Nicole Janigro, suivent les textes de

l'éditeur du livre, Giuseppe Leo (Lieux de la mémoire, traumatismes collectifs et

malaises des id-entités de la Méditerranée), de René Kaës (Le malaise du monde

moderne, les fondements de la vie psychique et le cadre métapsychique de la

souffrance contemporaine), de Marina Breccia (Les images et les mots. Un parcours

sur une voie de retour de l'exil). La section LA PSYCHANALYSE ET LES


Ambra Cusin (Invisibilité d'un malaise), de Nicole Janigro (Paysages en mutation:

de la paix à  la guerre, de la guerre à  la paix), de Manuela Avakian (Votre le délit,

notre le chatiment: déracinés de l Ararat, accueillis dans le berceau méditerranéen),

de Janine Altounian (Une émotion ineffaçable insiste à  vouloir s'écrire), tandis que

la section suivante, intitulée PSYCHANALYSE, TRAUMATISME ET


Bohleber (Rappeler, traumatisme et mémoire collective. La lutte pour le rappeler en

psychanalyse), de Sverre Varvin (Traumatisme et résilience), de Silvia Amati Sas

(L'ambiguité comme défense en conditions de traumatisme extreme), de Hendrika

Halberstadt-Freud (Loyautés scindées chez les fils de la troisième génération des

nazis. Le cas de Lisa) et de Maria Ritter (Retour à Dresde. La vision d une

psychanalyste sur le traumatisme et la guérison). La section intitulée LES


celui de Yolanda Gampel (Explorations psychanalytiques sur la crise du Moyen

Orient), celui de Judith Deutsch (Réflexions psychanalytiques sur Israel et le siège de

Gaza) et, à  la fin, celui de H.-J. Wirth (Rappeler, répéter et non perlaborer:

sur la possibilité d'interagir dans le conflit israelo-palestinien). Concluent deux autres

sections: PSYCHANALYSE, MEMOIRE ET ART avec les textes de Franca Mazzei

(à la recherche de Soi dans les plis de la mémoire), de Massimo Maisetti (Les lieux

du réve et de la mémoire au cinéma) et de Santa Fizzarotti Selvaggi (Medea

un identité autre), et, enfin, LA HONTE ET LE TRANSFERT, avec essais de

Cosimo Trono (La honte dans le transfert), de Abram Coen (J'ai la honte) et de Guy

Dana (Entre-les-deux, ou la honte vaincue par la colère).

Pour commander le livre : cliquez http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/edizionifreniszero

Pour voire une anteprima (par Google Books ):

cliquez ici 








  Newsletter in English: our newsletter (A.S.S.E.Psi. NEWS) will be sent to everyone who requests it (the form is at the link 

http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/mail.htm  .




1)  We  are glad to announce the issue of the last book  published in English by Edizioni Frenis Zero:"FUNDAMENTALISM AND PSYCHOANALYSIS", Giuseppe Leo (Editor), Prefaced by Vamik D. Volkan, writings by Lene Auestad, Werner Bohleber, Sverre Varvin, Linden West. Collection "Mediterranean Id-entities", Frenis Zero publisher, Lecce 2017, pp.214. 



The collection “Mediterranean Id-entities” is devoted to publish books in order to investigate the role of Mediterranean cultures from a psychoanalytic point of view, in front of the anthropological transformations concerning human societies and social institutions in the contemporary world. This book has the hard task to cover an interdisciplinary area in which psychoanalysis has to deal with fundamentalism as a social phenomenon and therefore with ‘bordering’ disciplines (such as religion history, transcultural studies, cultural anthropology) often with epistemologies that for origin and history appear to be incomparable to it. Lene Auestad intends to integrate the psychological analysis of the subject with its social embedding. She investigates the importance of the social unconscious and its effects on the prejudiced intentions of the individual apart from its own active interpretations. She highlights the importance the psychoanalytical approach provides in understanding the unspoken, unconscious contents of the social phenomena and how much the socially critical approach is able to enrich the analytical view which merely focuses on the subject regarding the effects of the social consensus. While Auestad’s scrutiny aims at the social convention’s role as an agent affecting the individual’s deeds and thinking, Linden West’s contribution draws on ‘psycho-social’ understandings, combining psychoanalysis and critical theory, as well as the work of John Dewey, to interrogate Islamic fundamentalist groups in a post-industrial city. It explores processes of self-recognition in groups and paranoid-schizoid modes of functioning, in which unwanted parts of self and of culture are split off and projected on to the other. The world is correspondingly divided into good and bad, pure and impure. John Dewey makes a crucial distinction between processes of democratic education and closed groups, which is what fundamentalist groups are, by reference to the quality of relationship to the other, and to experiential and narrative openness. However, it is also suggested that fundamentalism is ordinary, in that each of us can feel out of our depth, at times, and we may grab at ideas promising truth and nothing but the truth, which is ultimately illusion. Except not everyone reaches for a Kalashnikov, which is where individual biographies matter for subtler understanding of difference within commonalities. Fundamentalism has increasingly become a part of the political discourse in Western countries and is to a large degree associated with Islamic Jihadism. Fundamentalism has, however, been a concern in all religions, and Werner Bohleber in this book discusses its connections with violence in monotheistic religions. Fundamentalism is also a concern in professional organisations and in this book Sverre Varvin discusses the relation between fundaments for a science and fundamentalism in psychoanalysis. This is related to general trends of fundamentalism in religious and political contexts. A central question is how adherence to fundamentals, understood at basic principles for a profession or a religious-political movement, may develop into fundamentalism and how this may develop into more violent forms. Psychoanalytic understanding of mass psychology and unconscious processes at group levels are developed in this book by each of the outstanding authors in order to understand present Islamic and other forms of fundamentalist movements in the European context.




To get a preview of the book click here:



2) Book "PSYCHOANALYSIS, COLLECTIVE TRAUMAS AND MEMORY PLACES", Giuseppe Leo (Editor), Robert D Hinshelwood (prefaced by), witings by Janine Altounian, Werner Bohleber, Judith Deutsch, Hendrika Halberstadt-Freud, Yolanda Gampel, Nicole Janigro, Renos K Papadopoulos, Maria Ritter, Sverre Varvin, Hans-Juergen Wirth, Collection "Mediterranean Id-entities", Frenis Zero publisher, Lecce 2015, pp.330,          € 35,50.


Psychoanalysis has always had to reckon with the epistemology of the witnessing of the analysand, but perhaps it has only recently been reckoning with the discourse of the ethics of testimony. And who are the people who have answered  to testify in this book dedicated to the places of the memory of ‘Mediterranean civilisations and their discontents’? What many of the authors in it seem to have in common is the attention to the traumatic nature of certain places of the memory: theatres of wars, such as the wars in the Balkans (Janigro), or lines in the diary of a father, who miraculously survived genocide (J. Altounian). As Bohleber writes, psychoanalysis began as a theory of trauma. In this book, the places of the memory are often the rooms of analysis, places of re-evocation of collective traumas. In some cases, the victims of collective traumas, undergone in the home Mediterranean countries, take their dramas of migrants and refugees to analysts in the North of Europe (as in the case of Varvin and Papadopoulos). In other pieces, neither the geographical origin of the analysand nor that of the analyst have apparently any connection with the Mediterranean. We are referring to the essay by Ritter and that of Halberstadt-Freud: however, in them, the consulting rooms are places of the memory in which the analyst reflects on the subject of trans-generational transmission of collective guilt connected with Nazism and with the Shoah, which also affected the history of Mediterranean countries. In other contributions in this book, the places of the memory are those of the Middle East caught up in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. From different points of view, three authors, Gampel, Deutsch and Wirth, speak to us of places of the memory where the collective traumas have not been assigned once and for all to the work of historians (as in the case of the Shoah and of the other genocides of the 20th century) as, unfortunately, they are still on-going.


 BUYSupport independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.









3) "NEUROSCIENCE AND PSYCHOANALYSIS", G. Leo (ed.), prefaced by Georg Northoff, writings by  David Mann, Allan N. Schore, Robert Stickgold, Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, Grigoris Vaslamatzis, Matthew P. Walker, Collection "Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience", Frenis Zero Publisher, Lecce 2014, pp.300, € 49,00.

The book gathers some papers concerning the dialogue between neuroscience and psychoanalysis. Following the Introduction written by Georg Northoff, concerning the possibility of overcoming the highly impasse generating contraposition between localizationism and holism, G. Vaslamatzis deals with a “Framework for a new dialogue between psychoanalysis and neurosciences”. In this chapter the author describes three points of epistemological congruence: firstly, dualism is no longer a satisfactory solution; secondly, cautions for the centrality of interpretation (hermeneutics); and, thirdly, the self-criticism of neuroscientists. David W.Mann in his contribution “The mirror crack’d: dissociation and reflexivity in self and group phenomena” tries to show how reflexive processes generate each of three levels of the human system (self, relationships, group) and integrate them one to another, while dissociative processes tend throughout to pull them apart. Health and illness within the self, the relationship and the group can be understood as special states of the dynamic equilibria between these cohesive and dispersive trends. In “Sleep, memory and plasticity” Matthew P. Walker and Robert Stickgold outline a review of the researches following the discovery of rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM (NREM) sleep, and specifically of those that began testing the hypothesis that sleep, or even specific stages of sleep, actively participated in the process of memory development. The last two chapters, “Clinical implications of neuroscience research in PTSD” by Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, and “Dysregulation of the right brain: a fundamental mechanism of traumatic attachment and the psychopathogenesis of PTSD” by Allan N. Schore, demonstrate how the psychopathology of traumatic conditions can be a fertile field of dialogue between neuroscience and psychoanalysis.


To order the book you can click here: amazon.comor here  

To get a preview of the book click here:  




"PSYCHOANALYSIS AND ITS BORDERS",  G. Leo (ed.), writings by J. Altounian, P. Fonagy, G.O. Gabbard,  J.S. Grotstein,  R.D. Hinshelwood,  J.P. Jiménez, O.F. Kernberg,  S. Resnik. Collection "Borders of Psychoanalysis", Frenis Zero Publisher, Lecce 2012, pp. 348, € 19,00. 

Eight outstanding theoreticians of contemporary psychoanalysis reflect on psychoanalysis and its borders and boundaries between it and adjacent disciplines such as neuroscience, psychiatry, and social sciences. The book celebrates ten years of existence of Frenis Zero psychoanalytic journal.
You can view a video introducing the book in our You Tube Channel ( www.youtube.com/frenis0 )
  To order the book you can click here: amazon.comor here                                                                                   To get a preview of the book click here:  


5) We are glad to announce the issue of the last number (N.29, january 2018) of our journal "Frenis Zero", whose subject is "Enactment in Psychoanalysis". The table of contents is at url: http://web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm . The papers are  in Italian.




6)  On the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day an Interview with Luciana Nissim Momigliano in You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdBvbT4ZkmU








7)  Video launching the next number of Frenis Zero psychoanalytic journal (june 2017) about "Fundamentalism and Psychoanalysis"


Fundamentalism and Psychoanalysis from Frenis Zero on Vimeo.




8) "JAAK PANKSEPP (1943-2017) A HOMMAGE". In Frenis Zero video Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJsWvpqIRlg&t=335s 




9) "PARENTALITY AND CAREGIVING MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEM" by Joseph Lichtenberg in Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_BOVnsNt28&t=103s 






10) "ANXIETY" by Joseph LeDoux  in Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ydqgx_zerc 



11) "HANNAH AND FORMS OF VITALITY. A review by Giuseppe Leo" https://assepsi.wistia.com/medias/enhtfz3lpi 






12) "LADY BIRD". A review by Sandra E. Cohen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkdUAW_uY04 



13) New article: "#MeToo must include prostitution" by Melissa Farley . Link: http://web.tiscali.it/cispp/farley.htm



14) Announcement::




OCTOBER 18-21 2018



INFO: www.ifps.info

What means being afraid nowadays? What do we fear about? And how? How psychoanalysis can manage these new forms?
This conference will explore how we, as analysts, can contribute to an understanding of the role of fear in society today.
The subject can hold many approaches and many aspects. Not only the radical social transformation we are faced with, with all the reverberations of this on each mind, but also the crash of any kind of certainty, from the social to the individual one. And also psychoanalysis is paying a sort of incapacity of staying close to this epochal change.
The topic will offer many psychoanalytic considerations because it includes social problems, as immigration, but it puts into a primary evidence the change of our minds, the change of our emotions, of our feelings, the change of our dreams, when time, and the future, are so uncertain paradigms... How do we dream nowadays?
As analysts, we explore the conscious and unconscious sources of fear, in our patients and ourselves. We have been trained to pay careful attention to shifts in fear intensities, as expressed verbally and nonverbally, in thoughts, tones, dreams, moods, behaviors, and other forms. As uncertainties escalate, so does fear, in some circumstances.
What can make us afraid of the unknown "other," rather than curious? What can we learn from our own reactions to the uncertainties we face in our practices, and in other walks of life?
Annamaría Loiaconno
Institute of Analytical Psychotherapy “H.S. Sullivan”
Florence (Italy)


Carla Weber
Presidente ASP







13) N-Psa Newsletters, New York Psychoanalytic Institute and IPA newsletters


(source: N-PSA newsletter)



Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy

Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, M.D. & Peter Mezan, Ph.D.
4/12, 4/19, and 4/26/2018 
Thursdays, 8:00 - 9:30 pm 
3 classes  /  $90 
Location: 247 East 82nd Street, NYC
NYPSI Extension Program: Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy
This course will present results of an ongoing collaborative research by two analysts working in two different modalities - individual and couple. The comparison of the dynamics in the two settings reveals many new issues and questions. For instance: Is there an unconscious organization of the couple distinct from the unconscious organizations of the individuals in it? What are the differences between the individual's transferences to the analyst and to the patient's partner? How much can the analyst know about the patient's partner? At every meeting the instructors will present clinical material illustrating these and other issues. 

4.5 CME/CE credits offered
Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, MD  is a member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute; of the Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine and of CAPS. She founded and chaired the New York Psychoanalytic Institute's Colloquium with Visiting Authors, where members of diverse schools of thought were invited to present their psychoanalytic perspectives. She served as the Foreign Editor of the Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis.  She is in private practice and conducts private seminars and supervisions. Besides being guest lecturer at American and International institutions she has written reviews and essays on the work of various authors as well as publications of her own work, such as: "To Mother or Not to Mother: Abortion and its Challenges" (1993); "Discovering One's Own Responsibility in a Judgmental System" (1996); "The Headless Woman: Scheherazade's Syndrome" (1997); "The First Interview: From Psychopathology to Psychoexistential Diagnosis" (1999); "The Internal Interlocutor" (2001); "Malignant Passionate Attachments" (2004); "Implicit theories of the psychoanalyst about femininity" (2008); "The perilous road to hope" (2009); "Coupledom" (2010); "The Synergizing potential of Individual and Couple Treatments" (2011) with Peter Mezan, PhD; "Is there an unconscious organization of the couple, and if so, how does it come into being?" with Peter Mezan, PhD (2012); "What can we know about our patient's partner?" with Peter Mezan, PhD (2012). She has been the co-editor, with Leticia Glocer Fiorini of "Freud's Femininity" a book edited in 2010 by the IPA under the Contemporary Freud Series. Her chapter in that book: "Are women still at risk of being misunderstood?"   abelinsasrose@gmail.com

Peter Mezan, PhD is Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and  is a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City. Earlier in his career he was Senior Psychologist and psychotherapy supervisor at North Central Bronx Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Mezan was educated at Harvard College, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Graduate School, Cambridge University, and The City University of New York. While at Harvard, he worked with inner city adolescent gangs under the supervision of Erik Erikson. In London, where he lived for many years, he worked with R.D. Laing and, as a freelance journalist, introduced Laing to the American public in cover articles in major American magazines and contributions to several books. Dr. Mezan was a lecturer on family systems in Laing's Philadelphia Association. He was also Supervisor in Renaissance English literature and modern American poetry at Christ's College, Cambridge, and an editor at  Nature, the British science journal. In collaboration with Dr. Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, he has given numerous papers at major psychoanalytic conferences around the world on the psychoanalysis of couples. They are currently collaborating on a book on that subject.   drmezan@gmail.com



Why and How Consciousness Arises
Presenter: Mark Solms, Ph.D.
Discussant: Maggie Zellner, Ph.D.

Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 10 am
 The Marianne & Nicholas Young Auditorium
 247 E. 82nd Street, NYC
Free and open to the public 
RSVP is appreciated but not required; first come, first-seated
To register, click HERE, visit  nypsi.org, or call 212.879.6900
Dr. Solms will discuss recent developments in neuropsychoanalysis that illuminate the "hard problem" of consciousness - how and why the subjective experience of consciousness arises in conjunction with the functions of the brain.   Solms' model integrates insights from affective neuroscience, the "conscious id" hypothesis, and Friston's model of predictive coding, free energy and "surprise," with implications for clinical work. 

Mark Solms, Ph.D.  is best known for his discovery of the forebrain mechanisms of dreaming, and his pioneering use of psychoanalytic methods and theories in contemporary neuroscience. Born in Lüderitz in 1961, he was educated at Pretoria Boys' School and the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He moved to London in 1988, where he worked at the Royal London Hospital (Honorary Lecturer in Neurosurgery) while he trained at the Institute of Psychoanalysis. He returned to South Africa in 2002, where he now holds a Professorship in Neuropsychology at the University of Cape Town. He is president of the South African Psychoanalytical Association, member of the British Psychoanalytical Society, and Honorary Member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society. Honours include the George Sarton Medal for contributions to the history and philosophy of science (Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 1996), the International Psychiatrist award for contributions to American psychiatry (American Psychiatric Association, 2001) and the Sigourney Prize for contributions to psychoanalysis (2012). He is chair of the Research Committee of the International Psychoanalytical Association. He has published more than 300 papers in both neuroscientific and psychoanalytic journals, and five books, including The Neuropsychology of Dreams (1997), Clinical Studies in Neuropsychoanalysis (2000) and The Brain and the Inner World (2002). His last book was a bestseller and was translated into nine languages. He is the editor of the Revised Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (24 vols) and the forthcoming Complete Neuroscientific Works of Sigmund Freud  (4 vols).

Maggie Zellner, Ph.D., L.P.  is a psychoanalyst, behavioral neuroscientist, and neuropsychoanalytic educator. She is the Executive Director of the Neuropsychoanalysis Foundation in New York, and editor of the journal  Neuropsychoanalysis . She has taught introductory neuroscience to the psychoanalytically-minded since 2003, and is in private practice in New York City.



Sunday, April 8, 2018
 New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
 247 E. 82nd Street, New York City

How do emerging models of the brain and mind inform clinical practice?  Join  Mark Solms, Ph.D.  for an overview of ideas in neuropsychoanalysis that enrich our theory and technique. Two analytic case presentations will then be followed by detailed discussions of clinical material from a neuropsychoanalytic perspective.

Session I (9:00 - 11:00 am)
  • The affective basis of consciousness (the conscious id)
  • The unconscious nature of cognition (the unconscious ego)
  • Automatization and repression (the 'cognitive' and 'dynamic' unconscious)
  • Reconsolidation, repression, and defense (the return of the repressed)
Session II (11:30 am -1:30 pm)
  • Case presentation by Nina Tager, M.D., followed by discussion
LUNCH BREAK (1:30 pm - 3:00 pm)

Session III (3:00 - 5:00 pm)
  • Case presenter TBD, followed by discussion
Morning and afternoon coffee and refreshments will be provided. Lunch is not included in registration; participants will go out for lunch at nearby restaurants.

Please contact Maggie Zellner   with any questions .


The Friends of the Brill Library invite you to
Meet the Author: Donald Moss
Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 7:30 pm 
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
The Marianne and Nicholas Young Auditorium 
247 East 82nd Street | New York City

General Admission: $15
All proceeds support the A.A. Brill Library

Register HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900
The Friends of the Brill Library invite you to an evening with Donald Moss, MD, the author of  At War with the Obvious: Disruptive Thinking in Psycho-analysis (Routledge, 2017).

The author situates each chapter of  At War with the Obvious at the border between common and psychoanalytic sense. Cumulatively, the book argues that in order for psychoanalysis to retain its original vitality, it must continuously work against becoming "common sensical".  Common sense - clinical and cultural - almost invariably obscures the uncommon/unconscious determinants that would expose its insufficiencies.  The most pointed expression of this border tension may be in the chapter, "The Insane Look of the Bewildered Half-Broken Animal."

Copies of the book will be made available for purchase for $35 at the event. NYPSI students will get a $20 discount on the book. 
Donald Moss, MD is a faculty member of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis, and is in private practice in New York City. He is also a member of the Green Gang, a four-person collective that studies the relationships between the human and non-human environments. He is currently the incoming Chair of the American Psychoanalytic Association's Program Committee, and has been on the editorial boards of the Psychoanalytic Quarterly, the International Journal of PsychoanalysisAmerican Imago, and Studies in Gender and Sexuality.  Over the past 35 years, Dr. Moss has authored more than 50 psychoanalytic papers and three books: Hating in the First-Person Plural (2003), Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man (2012), and At War with the Obvious (2017). 



Presenter: Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
Discussant: Adrienne Harris, Ph.D.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 8 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)

Boundary concepts pervade psychoanalytic thought and practice from the "repression barrier" to gender and to institutional expectations about professional behavior. Yet analytic discussion of boundaries often proceeds without a clear conceptual framework and on the basis of intuitive but ill-founded notions about them. In his paper Galatzer-Levy shows how, starting with Leonardo Da Vinci and continuing through the work of twentieth-century mathematicians, a rich and useful conceptualization of boundaries called fractal geometry has emerged. This conceptualization is directly applicable to psychoanalysis. The paper demonstrates how older, implicit conceptualizations have limited analytic thinking in this area and shows how fractal concepts provide important insight into the nature, development, and management of boundaries. Application to clinical and institutional issues will be discussed. 
General Admission: $20
Student Admission (non NYPSI): $10
No charge for NYPSI Members/Students
To register, click HERE , visit nypsi.org   or call 212.879.6900

Lois Oppenheim, PhD Scientific Program Chair
Robert Galatzer-Levy, M.D. is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Chicago and a Faculty Member of the Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute where he is a training, supervising, and child and adolescent supervising analyst. He is the author of seven books and 140 papers and books chapters on topics ranging from clinical psychoanalysis to forensic psychiatry to nonlinear systems theory and psychoanalysis. His most recent book Nonlinear Psychoanalysis: Notes from 40 years of Chaos and Complexity Theory was published in 2017 by Routledge. 

Galatzer-Levy grew up in New York where he went to Bronx Science, NYU, and finally NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences starting at age 19. A little earlier he had started an analysis which, he reports, enabled him to go to medical school "even though my mother wanted me to." As with most analyses this one was incomplete and to this day he struggles between the pull of psychoanalysis and that of mathematics, a conflict that is partly resolved through his applications of nonlinear dynamics systems theory to psychoanalysis.   This evening he will talk about a central theme of psychoanalysis, boundaries, as seen through the lens of nonlinear dynamics and fractals.

Adrienne Harris, Ph.D. is Faculty and Supervisor at New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and at the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California. She is an editor of  Psychoanalytic Dialogues Studies In Gender and Sexuality, and of the IPA ejournal: Psychoanalysistoday.com.  She co-edits the Book Series: Relational Perspectives in Psychoanalysis, a series now with over 70 published volumes.  In 2009, along with Drs. Lewis Aron and Jeremy Safran, Dr. Harris established the Sandor Ferenczi Center at New School University.

Dr. Harris is a member of an NGO which the IPA developed to work with the UN and she has been doing education and development on the problem of human trafficking.  She has written on topics in gender and development, analytic subjectivity, and the analytic community in the shadow of the First World War.  Her current work is on analytic subjectivity, on intersectional models of gender and sexuality, and on ghosts.

Presenter: Lynne Zeavin, Psy.D.
Discussant: Richard Zimmer, M.D.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 8 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)

There are two distinct ways in which Melanie Klein writes about idealization.  Insofar as she maintains that "The whole of [the infant's] instinctual desires and his unconscious phantasies imbue the breast with qualities going far beyond the actual nourishment it affords," and her  increasingly stressed conviction that the libidinally invested breast, when introjected, forms 'the core of the ego',  Klein is suggesting that the original good object must be experienced as ideal.  Nothing less than this would adequately address 'the whole of [the infant's] instinctual desires.'  In this view, the infant projects his entire loving capacity, as well as his capacity for pleasure, onto the object and this is then introjected, together with the object's actual goodness, to become his very core.

At other moments,  though,  idealization is  different, for Klein also asserted that much of what the infant experiences as positive is in fact due to idealization as a psychological defense: In this view idealization  is seen as the result of a defensive exaggeration of the object's goodness: "Idealization is bound up with the splitting of the object, for the good aspects of the breast are exaggerated as a safeguard against the fear of the persecuting breast";  that is, a defense against persecutory anxieties stemming from the infant's projection of hateful impulses and hate-filled parts of the self into the (bad) breast/mother.

Case material will be used to describe idealization as it permeates and governs the analytic relationship.  The analyst's eventual capacity to discern the workings of idealization, in the second sense in which Klein means it, brought about significant change for the patient.
General Admission: $20
Student Admission (non NYPSI): $10
No charge for NYPSI Members/Students
To register, click HERE , visit nypsi.org   or call 212.879.6900

Lois Oppenheim, PhD Scientific Program Chair
Dr. Lynne Zeavin is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst in full-time private practice in New York City.  She is on the faculty of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute where she teaches Melanie Klein and the Contemporary Kleinians.  Dr. Zeavin has published widely on various subjects but she has a particular interest in Kleinian theory and the nature of the object in psychical experience.  In addition, with three colleagues, she has founded Green Gang, a group devoted to the study of psychoanalysis and our human relationship with the natural world.  Chair of the Fellowship Program of the American Psychoanalytic Association, she also serves on the editorial boards of JAPAThe Psychoanalytic Quarterly, and Division/Review.

Dr. Richard Zimmer is Training and Supervising Analyst at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Weill-Cornell Medical Center.   He is on the Editorial Boards of the  International Journal of Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytic Quarterly, and has published papers in numerous areas of interest, including perversion, creativity and the creative process, and field theory.  His latest paper, "Common Sense - Its Uses, Misuses and Pitfalls," will appear in a forthcoming edition of the  International Journal of Psychoanalysis.

Suppression of Affects and Psychosomatic Balance in a Dyad: Mother-Child Therapy with a 
Two-year-old Boy Presenting Behavioral Issues and Skin Disorder 

Christine Anzieu-Premmereur, M.D., Ph.D.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 8:00 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)
$15 - General Admission
$10 - Student Admission
No charge for NYPSI members/students
Register HERE, visit nypsi.org or call 212.879.6900 
A toddler who was running non stop and banging his head on the floor when emotional had eczema rashes as soon as he was calm. The very concrete, repressed way of thinking of the mother, who was overwhelmed and depressed, made a containing capacity to hold the child impossible, a situation that improved when working in analytic psychotherapy.

2 CME/CE credits offered
Christine Anzieu-Premmereur  is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in NYC who works in private practice with adults and children, parents and their babies. A member of the Société Psychanalytique de Paris, she is on the faculty of the Columbia Psychoanalytic Center for Training and Research, where she directs the Parent-Infant Psychotherapy Training Program, and she is Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at Columbia University. Dr. Anzieu-Premmereur is a member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society and she chairs the discussion group Parent-Infant Programs at Psychoanalytic Institutes at the American Psychoanalytic Association meetings. 

In French she has co-authored books on play in child psychotherapy and on psychoanalytic interventions with parents and babies.  She co-edited with Vaia Tsolas the recently published  A Psychoanalytic Exploration of the Body in Today's World  (Routledge, 2018). In 2017, Dr. Anzieu-Premmereur published the chapter "Attacks on Linking in Parents of Young Disturbed Children" in  Attacks on Linking Revisited: A New Look at Bion's Classic Work .








Special number about "Fundamentalism and Psychoanalysis", Frenis Zero, n.28, June 2017:


Linden West, <<The psychoanalytical inspiration and critical theory: comparing adult education and Islamic fundamentalism>>

Sverre Varvin, <<The fundamentalist fantasy>>

 (to read the papers click on the below link) 

url: http://web.tiscali.it/freniszero 



And about Psychoanalytic Supervision:

Nancy McWilliams, "Some observations about Supervision/Consultation Groups"








Janine Altounian (Parigi), Leonardo Ancona (Roma), Brenno Boccadoro (Ginevra),  Werner Bohleber (Francoforte sul Meno), Mario Colucci (Trieste), Lidia De Rita (Bari), Santa Fizzarotti Selvaggi (Bari), Patrizia Guarnieri (Firenze), Robert Hinshelwood (Londra), René Kaes (Lione), Otto Kernberg (New York), Massimo Maisetti (Milano), Lidia Marigonda (Venezia), Predrag Matvejevic' (Zagabria), Franca Maisetti Mazzei (Milano), Laura Montani (Roma), Marie Rose Moro (Parigi), Salomon Resnik (Parigi), Mario Rossi Monti (Firenze), Mario Scarcella (Messina), Sverre Varvin (Oslo), Vamik D. Volkan (Charlottesville, USA).



Le illustrazioni contenute in questa  Newsletter sono tratte da:  "From Neurology to Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud's Neurological Drawings and Diagrams of the Mind" di Lynn Gamwell and Mark Solms.

La prossima newsletter verrà  inviata nel mese di Aprile 2018. 

Cordiali saluti....


  La prochaine newsletter sera envoyée à  Avril 2018. Cordiales salutations.



  The next newsletter is on April 2018.

Best regards..





Giuseppe Leo

Direttore Responsabile (Editor) rivista di psicoanalisi applicata Frenis Zero









email: assepsi@virgilio.it      website: web.tiscali.it/bibliopsi/frenishome.htm (Journal)  web.tiscali.it/cepsidi (Publisher)


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